Episode 147: Inessa and Alina Vike, Co-Founders of Vike Beauty

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Inessa and Alina Vike have a collaboration that started in utero. These ultra-confident twins have used their award-winning influencer platform as a launchpad for an innovative product that they plan to grow into a global makeup brand. Their family story—including how they are striving to give back and honor their refugee parents’ sacrifices and dreams—is poignant, heartfelt and not to be missed.


Announcer | Welcome to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY® hosted by Jodi Katz, Founder and Creative Director of Base Beauty Creative Agency. |
Jodi Katz | Hey, everybody. It's Jodi Katz, your host of WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY® Podcast. Thanks so much for tuning in. This week's episode features Inessa and Alina Vike. They are the cofounders of Vike Beauty. If you missed last week's episode, it featured celebrity manicurist and brand owner Deborah Lippmann. I hope you enjoy the episode. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the show. I'm so excited to be sitting with Inessa and Alina Vike. They are the cofounders of Vike. Welcome to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY®. |
Inessa Vike | Thank you so much. We are super excited to be here. |
Alina Vike | Yes. |
Jodi Katz | The first question I asked you when you came into the room is how do I know who's who? |
Inessa Vike | If you just saw us on the street, it'd be hard to tell. But if you kind of know us, we do have a little difference on our faces. Our nose is a little different. |
Alina Vike | Of our noses, yeah. |
Inessa Vike | Also a little bit of personality, but mostly similar. But if you know us, you know. |
Jodi Katz | Okay. So Inessa, Alina. |
Alina Vike | Yes. |
Inessa Vike | Yes. |
Jodi Katz | Okay. Inessa, Alina. Inessa Alina. |
Inessa Vike | We have different outfits on to help. |
Jodi Katz | I know, but when I see your next time, you're not going to be wearing the same outfits. Okay. So I want to tell everybody how we met. We first met at the Beauty Money summit. What were you doing there? Why did you go? |
Alina Vike | Yeah, so that was before we launched our brand, and we went to just meet people. We wanted to meet PR and we just wanted to meet other cofounders to hear about their stories. That was our main purpose for going. |
Inessa Vike | Yeah. And we really strongly believe in networking. So we love taking all the opportunities of all the different conferences and events to go and to meet people because you never know when you can make that connection that could be useful in the future. |
Alina Vike | Yeah. Here we are. |
Inessa Vike | I know. Exactly. |
Jodi Katz | Right. So we met. We just had such a fun conversation, and then I think my team saw you somewhere else. I don't remember where that was. Maybe you met out and about. |
Alina Vike | Maybe. |
Inessa Vike | I think was it maybe either Ipsy or maybe at another summit that we did? Because I do remember that. |
Jodi Katz | Yeah, I think it was another summit. And now you're here on the show. |
Inessa Vike | I know. How exciting is that? Everything happens for a reason. |
Jodi Katz | So I love your hustle, and we're going to talk a lot about it. But let's start with the total minutiae. How are you spending your day today? |
Inessa Vike | So our day today... So we're here. So this is our first event. We had a call earlier in the morning. |
Alina Vike | With Google Advertisement. |
Inessa Vike | Yes. And then after, we're just going to have a lunch and then we're going to go home and go straight into our emails and just doing everything how we normally do it on a normal base if we didn't have to go into the city. So a lot of emails and follow ups and calls, all that fun stuff. |
Jodi Katz | So before starting a product line, you were first and foremost influencers, right? So tell me about what it means to be an influencer today. |
Inessa Vike | Right. So what it means to be an influencer today, it's somebody who influences the people that they follow to do good things in their lives, to either change up their skincare or just how to learn how to do makeup. Us having that background really helped us in our career as brand owners because we got an opportunity to work with so many brands, and we created a network of so many amazing influencers that now love us and love our products. So it's just it came full circle for us. |
Jodi Katz | And I want to go way back in time because we had such a great conversation in our intake comp. So where are you from? |
Inessa Vike | So we originally are from Belarus, and we were born there. So we were born there, and we came to America when we were two years old, so we don't really remember life in Belarus. But we did talk to our parents, and that was after the communist regime fell down, and they just shared how hard life was for them growing up, and even when we were babies. My mom shared a story of how she would go to the store and there wouldn't be any food. You would have to have a ticket to purchase food, which in our world is so crazy to imagine. So crazy, especially just growing a family. So because after World War I, my dad is of Jewish descent, so the Jewish people, they were suppressed. So we were able to come to America as refugees. So first, my dad's side of the family came to America, and then they basically told us to come. So we were able to go as refugees. And when we went to America, we ended up in Brooklyn and they had a program for refugees where you learn the language and they give you food stamps. And it was really hard because, and we're so proud of our parents because they came to America with only $2,000, which is not a lot of money. |
Alina Vike | They thought it was a lot of money. Mom's like, "I thought it was so much." |
Inessa Vike | Exactly. So we're just so proud of them for coming here. I mean it's so scary because we were two years old, so you have two babies, you're going to an unfamiliar world where you don't know the language, you don't know what's going to happen. What's going to happen with my job? It's just so crazy. It takes a special type of person to do something like that. And we're forever grateful for that. So when we came to America, my parents, they really saved up a lot. They had to save. So my dad told us the story of how instead of taking the bus, which was a dollar, he would walk, which is so amazing for us. And I feel like that taught us a lot in our money management and just in us running the business of how important that is. And in four years, my parents were able to save up to purchase the house that we live in now, which is so amazing because that takes a lot to do something like that. And so we're so proud of them for doing that. And just in our business, that taught us a lot. They were strict on schooling and just money management. So we all took all of that into our business, which I feel really helped us become more successful and just kind of paved the pay for us. And I always say to my sister, I feel like it's like our parents, they kind of lit this torch and now it's our chance... They gave it to us, so we want to take it to the next level. |
Jodi Katz | So let's talk about the courage that your parents had, putting ourselves in those shoes of leaving our home that we know, we know the people, we know the language and the culture, and taking any piece of money that I could find and moving my babies to another world. There's so much courage that that requires, and whatever your parents told you about that time in their lives and how they were able to muster that courage. |
Inessa Vike | Yes. So we definitely feel like they had so much courage. It's also like leaving your family, because my mom's side is still in Belarus, which we still visit them, but most of my dad's side is here. So it definitely probably was super hard for my mom to leave her family to just come to a new world. I feel like their strategy was more just saving up. Because I mean it's definitely a lot to buy a house, and especially when you have to learn the language and everything. So I think they really stood their ground. I mean I don't even know how. It's so hard because I could not do that, just leave America... Let's just say if I had to leave to a different culture, different language, everything like that. And I feel like that's why it really motivates us to really push forward. And I remember my mom telling me the way they would do their finances, they would just put it on credit cards until they had enough to save up. And that's... |
Alina Vike | Very stressful. |
Inessa Vike | Yes. That's very stressful. And we're forever grateful. And I remember our first vacation to Canada when my dad, he finally bought a car. It was this mini van for $2,000. |
Alina Vike | Which lasted a really long time. |
Inessa Vike | Lasted forever. And we drove all the way to Canada. That was our first family vacation, and it was super cute because they tried to give us everything. And we're kids, so we loved it. It was fine. But it's just, because when you look back, you're like wow, they did everything in their power to just... Now we go on family vacations all the time. It's just normal now. And I just remember as a kid, when we were in Canada, we walked by this hotel, the Hilton, and we honestly weren't staying there. And I remember looking inside, I'm like, oh wow, this is so nice. And I thought, I was like, why can't we stay here? And it's so funny because I feel like that just motivates us to just keep going forward so we could give that life to our parents. |
Jodi Katz | So I love the story and thank you for sharing it. Your parents' journey is like so many other people's, and it's very timely. There's so many families around the world that are in similar situations where they're seeking a better life for their family. And it's hard. It's probably even more complicated now. So let's talk about how this ambition is impacting your lives as both influencers and business owners. Are you able to at this stage monetize being influencers and is that part of the way that you saw an avenue to open up a product line? |
Alina Vike | Right. So being influencers definitely gave us that platform. And the reason why we created our first product, which is the makeup removal spray, is because as influencers we did, as I'm sure all influencers, you film one day and you do about five looks in that day and you take it off and you put it back on. So we just realized that it was just so harsh on our skin, and we kind of sat down and were like, there must be a better way to do this. Our skin is always so red. And that's when we kind of came up with the makeup remover spray. We're like, okay, this is going to impact people's lives. This is going to cut down on their nighttime routine. And when there's a need, there's always innovation there. So that's why we kind of started with that first product. But even being influencers now, we still love to promote other brands that aren't makeup removers obviously. So we're still able to monetize on that. |
Inessa Vike | Yeah. And everything that we actually make from our Instagram, we put back into our business account. So we have this weird mindset where we don't take anything for ourselves. It's really weird. We just put it in the business bank account, and a lot of people are always so confused about that. But to us, it make sense. |
Alina Vike | It makes sense because it's the business money. And eventually... |
Inessa Vike | We can reinvest that towards our actual business. Yeah. |
Alina Vike | Yeah. And eventually we'll be paying our selves salary, maybe in the upcoming months or maybe it'll take a year, but we're happy keeping it in the business account. |
Jodi Katz | Right. Well, I mean you recognize that you're making an investment in your future. Right? It's not just for the now. I mean, because you're so smart and savvy, but most people your age who are running businesses are not really thinking like this. But maybe it's because of the stories your parents told you and what you lived through and your dad not taking the bus to save a dollar. |
Inessa Vike | Exactly. Yeah. You have to save it for a rainy day, and that's exactly what we're doing. We don't want to just spend it all. I mean, it could be fun, but that's maybe in the future. |
Alina Vike | Because then after you're spending it, you're like, ugh, I don't have it anymore. |
Jodi Katz | There are times in my business where I would leave the apartment and be like, should I go buy an iced tea today? No, I really can't afford it. Right. That $2 and 25 cents or whatever it was, I didn't have it. I had to be so lean because I wasn't making a lot of money. And I'm sure I had credit card bills on the business too. So I think about that all, I mean all the time, probably the way you think about your dad's story, because thankfully I don't have to... I can just go buy an iced tea, but every time I go buy an iced tea now, I'm like, there was a time where this was hard and it wasn't that long ago. I think people like to fake their way through how glam their business is. But I mean my kids were little and they're still little. So it really wasn't that long ago that I was living this way, and I'm so grateful for the progress I've been able to make. So, but I think about it often- |
Alina Vike | I love thinking about it. You're like, wow, this is my life now, how we used to be. |
Jodi Katz | Yeah. I think it makes the iced tea sweeter. |
Inessa Vike | I love that. It's super cute. |
Jodi Katz | I don't actually sugar my iced tea, but it makes it less bitter or something. So you guys started on YouTube at 17. |
Inessa Vike | Yes. So we started on YouTube, but now we're mostly just doing Instagram influencing, and now it's important because we feel like we get to try a lot of products and that we know what's out there and then we could also innovate it. So I think that's amazing that we have that influencer platform and also just connecting with brands. Because now with beauty, what we do is a lot of brand collaborations on Instagram to give a giveaway for our followers and we already have those connections with the brands. So that helps us a lot. |
Jodi Katz | Yeah. So let's talk about CEW rising influencer winners. Okay. Tell me all about that. |
Alina Vike | So we were super excited to be... First of all, I remember when we got that email, and it was out of 50,000 people. And I was reading it to my sister and I was like, wow, 50,000 people. I'm like, I really hope we win. I had a good feeling. But you always think it's you, but I mean 50,000 people. And then we got another email where they narrowed it down I think it was to... Was it 5,000 and then six? |
Inessa Vike | Oh yes, 5,000 then six. |
Alina Vike | So it was 5,000, so we were still like in there because we had that email. So I'm like okay, it's getting good. And then we were down to six, no it was down to 12 because six people were for makeup and six people were skincare. And we were for the makeup segment. And we were like, wow, we are top six. Now this could really happen. And just the whole CEW experience of going to that luncheon, it was so amazing. I remember when we first got there, we were just like, wow. There were so many amazing people in the room, so many founders, so many CEOs and just so many companies. It was a really beautiful event. And I remember just waiting for our turn for them to read out who's nominated, who was the winner. And I just remember they were like, "Vike twins." And I kind of saw people starting to move, take photos of our reactions. That's when, it was that split second, I was like, oh my God, we did it. |
Jodi Katz | So you didn't know before going to the luncheon that you were actually winning? You were just going there as a... |
Alina Vike | Nominee. We did prepare a speech because we're like, what if we win? We have to know what to say. |
Inessa Vike | They asked everyone to prepare their speech. It was amazing. I remember crying and she was like, stop crying. I did the ugly cry. I can't help it. |
Jodi Katz | So what did that award mean to you? |
Alina Vike | It meant everything. I would just remember being an influencer and you're filming usually in a small space, especially when you're starting out, and it's just like you film and sometimes your camera's not even filming and you're done with the look and you're like, it wasn't filmed, and those frustrations. Or when you're filming in a small space and your makeup falls and you can't reach it because there's so much lighting around you. So little moments like that when you're just exhausted but you keep pushing forward. Even though we were frustrated, we still did it, we loved it and now we got this award and it literally means everything. I remember texting my mom because she was waiting, and we're like, oh my God, we won. And then she's like, I'm so proud of you, so then we were... I was like, I'm crying again. It was just an amazing experience, and we told ourselves, we were like, okay, next year we're definitely coming back as a brand. We have to launch, we have to come back, we want to win skincare. And we're just like... |
Inessa Vike | That'd be amazing. We just did a CEW demonstration of Vike beauty, so that was really great. |
Alina Vike | That was so much fun. We're actually... Premi gave us the opportunity again to go... So we're going to be at the luncheon, we're going to be announcing the award for the new rising influencer for makeup. |
Jodi Katz | That's so cool. It comes full circle. |
Alina Vike | Yeah, so we're very excited to be on stage and kind of share a little bit of our story, and then to announce the new winner. |
Jodi Katz | And did you see any jump in the outreach to you from publicists or brands or an increase in your fans or engagement after winning the award? |
Alina Vike | Yes, we definitely did. Even at the award, because they had our @theViketwins. We saw so many people starting to follow us, which is exciting. |
Inessa Vike | I was so exciting. |
Alina Vike | Grande Cosmetic CEO was there, so she came up to us. She's like, "Hey girls." So we started working more with them and just what other brands would reach out. So it definitely put us on a spotlight. So we're super excited to be able to give it just a new winner this year. It's just amazing. We love it. And we have it in our bio. Very proud. |
Jodi Katz | And did it give you a boost of confidence that like, okay, this is working? Or were you not even seeking that external boost? |
Inessa Vike | Yeah, I feel like it definitely gave us the boost of confidence because it's so amazing to be recognized by such an amazing organization. So it definitely gave us the boost and definitely made us feel even more confident than we already felt. So that was, it was a great experience. |
Alina Vike | And yeah, even being at the demo, we had a lot of people that came up to us, they were like, "You look so familiar." They're like, "The long hair." They're like, "The winners." And we're like, yes, that's us. |
Jodi Katz | That's so cool. So every time I've talked with you, whether it was on the phone or in person, you both exude this confidence and you're very honest about the hustle. So I think this is really unusual. Most people, they're faking their confidence and sweating through the hustle. But it seems like you just understand that there was a hustle. You're not questioning though, why me? Why do I have to work so hard? You just are walking into this, whether for the influencer side of the business or the product, realizing that you have to work hard, you have to put the hours in, you have to grind, to make phone calls and send emails and find people at events. What do you think is the reason for that? Because I get really overwhelmed by the hustle. Sometimes I really do cry. I'm like, this is hard. I don't have your confidence. It's taken me many, many therapies and business coaches to get to where I am now. But you walk into this with a ton of confidence and just focus on the hustle. Tell me why that is. |
Inessa Vike | Yeah. So I feel like we actually love the hustle. I feel like it's so much work, but because it's fun for us, it's kind of fun work. So we don't even think of it as work. Sometimes there are days where we're super overwhelmed and you go to these like networking events and you're just exhausted because you're talking so much. So there are days, and I feel like when you're being super transparent, especially because we post those days on our social media, people look at you more of a real person and they can relate to you. So we feel like when you're able to relate to your audience, the message is better translated to them. So we love showing that side. We feel like just being successful is really hard. You just don't become successful. There's some brands that we saw that we may not have heard of, but they'd been in business for 10 years. But we just see them now because they're in Sephora. So we're like, oh, they're successful. That was probably easy for them. But it's probably took them so long to get there, so many phone calls, so many networking sessions. So we love the hustle because it's just real. And we kind of boost confidence off each other. So that's why I'm glad to have her. Because if I'm having a doubt or something, I get to talk to her. So in that aspect of being twins, we're lucky because maybe something I can't share with someone else, I could share it to her and she'll get it. I could say weird things, she'll understand. So we're lucky to have each other because when things get hard it's nice to talk about it. So we have each other to talk about that through it. |
Alina Vike | Yeah. And I also think... I personally love challenges. I love when there's a challenge that arises because we kind of talk through it and we're like, okay well... And you're kind of excited to see the outcome from it. You make a decision and you're like, okay, this is the best decision. And then you're kind of waiting to see the outcome and it's good or bad, and you just learn from it. But I also think we're so motivated because we just... Personally, I just foresee a life I want to live and until I'm there I won't stop. And I love reaching out to people. Even though yeah we go to events and our throats are hurting because we're talking so much, you feel it's so rewarding. It's so empowering. I love when we meet somebody and you just never know where that connection could go and you just nurture that connection, relationship, and it could just literally blossom. So personally, I love it. I do this full time and I literally wake up in the morning and I just love it. It's for me. This is perfectly for me. It was like waiting my whole life. We always think we would have a brand. Challenges arise. I remember when we were launching and we had an opportunity to launch at Ipsy in New York City. They do this big show. And it was kind of like we had a month to plan it really. And I remember calling our packaging company, I'm like, okay, well we're launching, I need this to come on time. And they were on the phone. They're like, "Honestly, in two weeks, it just can't happen." And I remember I was like, but it has to happen. We cannot be at a trade show with no product. Just like, oh this makeup remover, it's going to work. No one's going to believe us. We're going to look crazy. And I just remember it's like you really have to have those tough conversations. And that was the first time I had to really have a tough conversation. I'm like, this really has to happen. I couldn't sleep because I'm like, this literally has to come. I'll drag all the bottles here. So that was such a stressful moment. But it's challenges like that, it gives me a rush. |
Jodi Katz | So what are you hoping for the future of either the business of being an influencer or the business of growing the product brands? |
Alina Vike | So I actually told my sister yesterday, I'm like, we're going to be mommy influencers when that stage arises. I would love to be a mommy influencer because I love when I find a mommy influencer, they're so cute, with the babies, the fashion, all the cute little baby things. I told her that yesterday. So definitely see ourselves still being influencers because we love it. It's our passion. For the brand, I definitely see our brand being a global brand. One thing that's important to us is that we could be accessible to everyone. So we want to be in a lot of stores. We want to be also online. But I think that physical where people could go into a store and smell it and try it is important to us. So I want our brand to be global. We're already working on our second product. I want to have a full line of color cosmetics and then in five years, I even see us going into skincare because we love skincare. It's such a fun place to create things. So I definitely see us having a full makeup line and then even going into skincare. |
Jodi Katz | So you told me that when you read the first negative review about your product, that you felt devastated. I think it's important to talk about it because I'm sure there's many more good ones than bad ones. But let's talk about what it felt like when you got a bad one. |
Inessa Vike | Okay. So we were in the kitchen. |
Jodi Katz | You remember where you were. Do you remember what you were wearing? |
Alina Vike | Drinking coffee. |
Inessa Vike | Right. And then my sister's like, "Oh my God, we got this review," and she showed me. We didn't want to say it out loud because my mom was in the room. |
Alina Vike | Yeah, don't want to tell mom bad news. |
Inessa Vike | Yes. So we're like, okay. So we read it, we're confused. We just felt so bad that one person had a bad experience. Basically what happened, she just had allergic reactions to something in the product? So then my sister found her Instagram and she made a story about how she didn't like the product and stuff like that. And we just felt so bad and so sad that someone just didn't like our stuff the whole day. We were just so upset. We couldn't stop talking about it. It was just always on our mind. |
Alina Vike | I think the first one hits you the hardest because it's the first one. But then we reached out to the girl and we just said like if there was anything we could do to make it better. And then she said that she thinks it's an allergic reaction, so we kind of went back and forth to make sure she's happy. And then we went in our reviews and we kind of wrote down the situation that happens to people who are looking to buy. They could kind of see the storyline. |
Inessa Vike | And we also put on our website you could do a patch test, and a lot of products do that. So that was the good outcome. But I feel like if you ever get a negative review, it's good if you're able to reach out to that person. Because we just wanted to make her experience positive. We apologized our product did that to her. We never intended for that. And anything that we could've done as a brand to I guess make her feel better. So that's important. Because from her standpoint, I hope it made her feel better. |
Alina Vike | And it was really funny because on her review, she wrote kind of saying we're this big corporation. She's like, "If they see this." |
Inessa Vike | And here we are in our kitchen. |
Jodi Katz | In your kitchen. |
Alina Vike | That's why I was like, it's important to reach out and to introduce ourselves as the brand owner, and only two employees. We see everything that happens. So I kind of love it when people think that it's this big corporation with a thousand employees. So it was super funny. I'm like, wow, she thinks... She doesn't know when we launched it. She just tried the product. So that was really interesting. |
Jodi Katz | I read about our first bad review for the podcast on iTunes, and the person took the time to write that my voice is annoying. But when I read it, I was like, I have arrived. Because if someone was so moved to write a negative review, it means it touched a nerve. So I'm okay with people thinking my voice is annoying, but I'm like, wow, if you're at the level that people are being negative, that means you're really touching a nerve and on people's mind. So I saw it as like, oh wow, this podcast is real. So you can think about that. She thought you were a big, giant corporation. That's crazy. So, okay. My last question for you guys is about your time management because you're sisters, you're influencers together or you're running the business together? How do you draw a line and be like, okay now we're not business people, we're friends going out? How do you have a social life or manage your time at the gym, because being influencers sort of invades everything. I have a social handle that we haven't started because it's on my mind, and you'll understand why I haven't started. It's called the reluctant influencer because I feel like I know how much work it takes. [crosstalk] So I have nothing posted because I'm so freaking reluctant. Because I understand you're at the gym or here's an opportunity to tell a story. You're going to the story, here's an opportunity to tell a story. You're washing your face, and that's an opportunity to tell a story. But it comes with, like you said, equipment. You can't just tell the story. So how do you actually disconnect from the work of this and have moments to just be young women? |
Inessa Vike | Yeah. So for the influencer aspect, we usually post... It does take actually a while to even post new stories because you want to make it cute and stuff. But we usually post whatever we do, if it's us going out to a restaurant or going to the gym or even us filming. So we're able to always connect with our audience. But in terms of time management, I actually feel like it comes kind of natural to us. Mostly we like to work as opposed to going out. So we only go out, we have a close group of friends, and I feel like as you get older that holds true. You do have those close besties that they're just there for you and it's genuine. So we go to dinner with them, and we are able to kind of split up our time. But most of the time, we are working and it's just because we love it. So it's not even like working. And we just started this thing on Friday mornings. We will film together, maybe do three videos for influencer and then at one o'clock we stop and go to Vike Beauty. |
Jodi Katz | Right. I think it's really valuable to actually program your schedule. Block it off. I used to not block things off and I'd just be like, well whatever happens, happens. But then I didn't know when I can go to the gym. I didn't know when I can go to one of my kids things after school. It was too chaotic. And I started doing what you just said, which is blocking different days for different things. |
Alina Vike | Yeah. I'm a big calendar person. I put in my calendar- |
Inessa Vike | We just bought this new calendar. We stuck it on the wall and it's marker. So you could see a visual of your days. You plan everything. So planning is very important, especially when you have a business and you will have things you need to order, or like trade shows you need to keep track of that. |
Alina Vike | Or even right now, the biggest thing is holidays for us. You have to think of the sale before, you got to think of the graphics before. So that's a huge learning curve for us now. |
Jodi Katz | Right. So how much of your week are you spending at events for influencers, for connecting different for brands? Is it four days a week? Three days a week? |
Alina Vike | So we don't actually go to a lot of influencer events unless... I would say maybe once every two months. We just post our videos and fashion pictures just on the Vike twins page, and really 100 hours a day is for Vike Beauty. |
Inessa Vike | Yeah. So we go more to conferences and events for the beauty industry. But during Christmas time, actually a lot of brands had events so we went to those. But yeah, we kind of divide our time. |
Alina Vike | I guess it kind of laps over. When we're at events... We go to a lot of WWD events. For some, there's a lot of brand owners there, so we could always be like we're influencers but we have a brand, so which way can we work with you? It's nice. |
Jodi Katz | And that's the hustle. Well, thank you so much ladies for coming. It's so nice to talk with you. You're always so fun to talk with, and I'm very excited for you. You're so ambitious and inspiring. And thank you for sharing your wisdom with our fans. |
Inessa Vike | Thank you so much. It was amazing being here and sharing our story. |
Alina Vike | Yes, this is actually one of my goals. I told my sister, I was like, one day I want to be on an amazing podcast speaking about our story. I told her, I was like, check. |
Jodi Katz | That's awesome. And for our listeners, I hope you enjoyed this interview with Inessa and Alina. Please subscribe to our series on iTunes. And for updates about the show, follow us on Instagram @wherebrainsmeetbeautypodcast. |
Announcer | Thanks for listening to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY® with Jodi Katz. Tune in again for more authentic conversations with beauty leaders. |