Episode 219: Lauren Berlingeri and Katie Kaps, Founders of HigherDOSE

In this episode of WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™, we get into it with BioHack-HERS, Lauren Berlingeri and Katie Kaps, Co-Founders of HigherDOSE.

Their company has cultivated the hottest at-home wellness tools using nature inspired technologies to release feel-good chemicals such as Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins and more! Originally they were put on the map for their infrared Sauna Blanket and celebrity favorite PEMP Mat. They also offer a collection of ingestibles and topicals that boost the benefits of their devices.

Tune in as we discuss with these business partners and best friends their career journeys, new products, how they define success, how different treatments and technologies can push you to perform at a higher level, their favorite wellness procedures, and more!

Dan Hodgdon
Jodi KatzWelcome back to Where Brains Meet Beauty. As you may or may not know, each quarter, we introduce a new theme. Our first theme this year was Technology. We heard from guests like Amy Errett, CEO and founder of Madison Reed, and our very own Anna Yoshida, program success manager at Base Beauty. Following Technology, we went into our Sustainability theme and learned how several industry leaders are striving to create more environmentally friendly brands. We heard from guests like Shannon Goldberg, founder and CEO of Izzy Zero Waste Beauty, and Shontay Lundy, founder of Black Girl Sunscreen.

Our most recent theme was Artistry, and we got to speak to a wide range of talented individuals. A few of our guests were the Real Housewife Gina Kirschenheiter; Brandon Brown, CEO of Grin; Gail Federici, CEO of ColorWow; and Chris Appleton, celebrity hairstylist. But today, we kick off our final quarter of the year, which is our Health theme. I’m really looking forward to sharing our expert guests for the quarter, who come from various health and wellness-related backgrounds, and their career journeys to success.

Our guests today are two entrepreneurs and biohackers passionate about bringing revolutionary wellness technology to the masses. Their company was created to provide a new kind of spa experience, one with a biohacking lens that uses the power of nature-inspired technologies like infrared heat to elevate health and get you high naturally. Lauren Berlingeri and Katie Kaps and the co-founders and CEOs of higherDOSE. HigherDOSE is an infrared sauna decision that opened in 2016 and quickly became a New York City hot spot. Over the years, it has gained an extremely dedicated community of people passionate about hacking their own alchemy and living their best health journey.

Not only has higherDOSE succeeded in being a must see spot, but they’ve also used their passion for biohacking and health to make innovative wellness technologies more and more accessible. In 2017, higherDOSE launched its first at-home product, the coveted—should I say super coveted—infrared sauna blanket. This product quickly became a fan favorite, and it has ignited the creation of more at-home devices, including the PEMF Mat and Red Light Face.

I could go on and on about some of the amazing work these ladies are doing, but I’m going to let you hear it directly from them today. Be sure to check out their Instagram @higherdose and learn more about their biohacking lifestyle and how to create rituals to upgrade your wellbeing.

So, Lauren and Katie, welcome to Where Brains Meet Beauty.
Lauren BerlingeriThank you for having us. We’re super excited to be chatting with you today.
Katie KapsYeah. Thank you for that great intro.
Jodi KatzYeah. I want to actually—hats off to Adriel for finding a way to simplify and break down everything that you’re doing, because you do a lot at higherDOSE. I’m so amazed by both of you. So kudos to Adriel.

So I just want to tell everybody how we came to meet, because I love origin stories of relationships. We actually met at an event in Florida, the Women’s Wear Daily CEO Summit, where you were both presenting. And I was so, so happy to meet you there. What did you think about presenting on that stage?
Lauren BerlingeriWell, we sat next to you at lunch, which we had the pleasure, because you kind of were the one to really just help us understand what was going on, because it was the first beauty summit that we’ve ever been to. I mean, we’ve done a ton of biohacking, health and wellness conferences, which are very different. Whereas this was not just beauty, but it was business and backstories of entrepreneurs and how people are innovating, and it was really amazing. And we learned so much. And everyone there that was speaking was super experienced and running multi-million, sometimes billion-dollar companies in beauty. And then we knew that we were gonna be presenting at the end, and we were like, “Oh man, this is kind of overwhelming.” And we were very nervous to go onstage. But when we did, we just stayed authentic, and we just talked about how we believe beauty really comes from the inside out, and how we have wellness technologies and products to really support that. And we feel like this is where the beauty industry’s going.

And it was really awesome because everyone came up to us afterwards and was like, “I loved your talk. It was so refreshing. We could not agree more. We’re so excited to have you guys here. We waited around the whole conference just to hear you two speak, because you’re a little bit different than most of the speakers there.” And Katie and I had such a good time, and we met game-changing people that really helped change our business.
Katie KapsYeah. I think Lauren pretty much covered it. But I think it was also fun to really give the audience a taste of our show Biohackers. We included a sizzle with highlights from what we learned in our experimentation in beauty biohacking. So I loved getting to spread that message to everybody.
Jodi KatzSo Katie, you told me that you were having a media day today. What was your day like?
Katie KapsWell, we’re launching our magnesium topicals. And we basically kicked that off with a staycation for a bunch of beauty editors [?Mel] and Howard, where we treated them to our lymphatic facial sauna sessions and basically a membership experience, where they could really try out the new topicals. We had dinner with the media last night. And it was just amazing to connect with all of them and learn about what’s hot in beauty/wellness media these days.

So, it was very inspiring to get to actually interact with this community that we’ve been building. A lot of the times, as CEOs, we’re kind of doing hardcore business stuff in our own bubble. But it was a lot of fun meeting them and seeing everybody’s reaction to the product line. I think it’s gonna be a huge hit, based on what we’ve heard so far.
Jodi KatzI love magnesium. I ingest magnesium. It’s super important to me. It helps me be normal. We’ll talk about this later offline. But so, I want to let everyone listening know that they can ask questions of Lauren and Katie. We’re gonna have time for Q&A at the end. So just submit your questions as a comment, and then Adriel and Nicole on my team will be harvesting those comments for great questions, so certainly feel free to submit.

But now we’re gonna start with my favorite question. And Lauren, I’ll give it to you first. You know this is a career journey show, so let’s go way back in time to being 11 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Lauren BerlingeriSo, I didn’t realize what I wanted to be when I was growing up. I probably wanted to be famous or something crazy like that. But looking back on it, I was an entrepreneur from the get-go. My mom always used to joke that she would send me to something called May Madness at our school, which was pretty much like a garage sale. She would send me with five dollars, and I would come back with all this stuff and more money. And that was because I would buy things up and sell them to my friends, which my brothers and sisters always thought I was evil for doing that.
But really, I was just a little entrepreneur. And I also used to sell rocks to our neighbors too and make money that way. But I was always just very interested in meeting people, and falling in love with objects and selling them and making money. So, I guess I was an entrepreneur in the making.
Jodi KatzAnd Katie, what about you? You’re 11 years old. What’s on your mind for your career?
Katie KapsYou know, it’s so funny. When I was that age, I told my two dear aunts that I wanted to write a book about how you could use more than 10% of your brain, which is not exactly what we’re doing, but I think with our messaging around happy chemicals, increasing your dose, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins, there is some tie-in with how I always envision my life going. And who knows? Maybe we’ll write a book about that sometime.
Jodi KatzI think you should definitely write a book about this. So, Katie, your career took you into banking before higherDOSE. So do you think that that 11-year-old vision of using your brain more fully, were you trying to find banking as a way to do that?
Katie KapsWell, I think society got to me, where the message is, “Go, make money.” Especially going to a school like Georgetown, and I was always very driven by getting good grades. So then kind of the next iteration of that once you’re out of college is, well, my salary is kind of like my report card. So I went into banking with that mentality. And then I guess the timing was interesting. I started right before the big recession of 2008. I saw a lot of people that spent decades devoting themselves to finance lose almost everything they had overnight. And that’s when I realized, I want to live in the moment and do something I’m passionate about, because you can’t depend on a sacrifice necessarily paying off later.
Jodi KatzSo what led the two of you together to create higherDOSE?
Lauren BerlingeriSo just to back it up probably, what, nine years ago, or eight years ago?
Katie KapsEight years, yeah.
Lauren BerlingeriI was working for a health and wellness startup called Aloha, and my job was the Brand Ambassador Program as well as product development. So I actually got to spend a lot of time with a lot of influential wellness experts, picking their brains on what do they do, what’s the best technologies, what’s the best supplements, what are you doing? And I discovered the infrared sauna back then, and there was only one that existed in New York City. Really bad experience, like behind a curtain in a colonic center. But went and tried it, and just couldn’t believe the immediate benefits, and knew that I wanted to start my business around that.
And coming from a startup, I got to see a founder build a company and what that took. And it was just really interesting to me. So I knew that I needed to find a very smart business partner that had a very different skill set than I did. So my friend introduced me to Katie, and I pretty much kind of crashed his meeting on him pitching her on another idea. And I told her about the infrared sauna and how she needed to try it. And she did and fell in love with it. And we started the company the very next day.
So everyone always thinks that we were friends before, which we weren’t, which is kind of like a blessing, in a way. But we went through this really interesting, I guess, history, where we started a business together, became best friends, and then the stress of the company, and it was so hard on both of us. And we ended up kind of fighting like family. And then the company finally took off. And then now she’s my best friend ever and family, so.
Katie KapsAnd still fighting like family.
Lauren BerlingeriBut not as much.
Katie KapsYeah.
Lauren BerlingeriYeah. Oh, go ahead.
Jodi KatzNo, go ahead, Lauren.
Lauren BerlingeriOh, I was just gonna say, I feel like now we get the best of all worlds, where you have a friend and entrepreneur, and it’s kind of like a marriage, in a way, too, as well, and that we get to be so creative together and discover a whole new world.
Jodi KatzI totally got vibes from you both that you’ve known each other since you were little kids. It really feels like a deeply rooted relationship. It does not feel like—I mean, I was only around you for a few hours, right? But it doesn’t come off to me as a business relationship, right? And how wonderful.
Lauren BerlingeriWell, we have some past life stuff going on.
Katie KapsI was gonna say, it’s past life things. She is not afraid to fix my makeup when I’m looking silly in a big crowd. So yeah, we’re past all that.
Lauren BerlingeriIt’s true. We kind of finish each other’s sentences now, which it’s nice, because I feel like I’ve learned so much from Katie on how to run a business and be more business-minded. And I’m sure she’s learned a lot from me now. And now we’re just kind of these Siamese twins that are finishing each other’s sentences.
Jodi KatzLauren, when I first met you at that event in Florida, your face was so familiar to me. And it wasn’t until after I left that I think I realized, I think I met you at Aloha. Because I was meeting with them for quite some time with Lee. Do you remember Lee in marketing?
Lauren BerlingeriYes, of course.
Jodi KatzAnd I can’t remember your founder’s name.
Lauren BerlingeriConstantine.
Jodi KatzConstantine, who I follow on Instagram. I get to see the way this guy lives his life, which is amazing. I’m gonna totally link to his Instagram in the show notes, because this guy is just on a forever pilgrimage for sunsets. That’s it, right? Sunrises and sunsets.
Lauren BerlingeriYeah. I mean, he was pretty amazing because he traveled around the world and fell in love with health and wellness. And then when he would go into these investor meetings, he would just light up the room with talking about his experiences. And I really learned a lot from him on that people invest into founders, and they invest into passion, and just this deep knowing that you’re gonna be successful regardless, and that that energy’s really contagious. So, he’s really good at that.
Jodi KatzYes.
Katie KapsWas Aloha successful?
Lauren BerlingeriI don’t really know how successful it was. But let’s just say Constantine had a good, an incredible job raising so much money without even a product or a brand. And that was unheard of back then, so, yeah, it was a very interesting experience for my first startup.
Jodi KatzYeah. I think—I don’t know him well. I just knew him from a few meetings. What you said about his ability to just expect success, however he defined it, is really fascinating. It’s something that I think some people are born with. But for me, I’ve had to learn how to have faith. It’s taken a really long time. Now I’m totally okay, and yeah, whatever my dreams are, I’m gonna make happen. I really feel that way. And I watch people just navigate that part of their lives without the need of over a decade of therapy and business coaching, and it’s amazing. But yeah, that’s his vibe. His aura is like, “It’s gonna happen,” right? “I just know it’s gonna happen.” So now, on Instagram, at least, he just does yoga in the sunsets and the sunrises. And it doesn’t seem—
Katie CapsBecause he’s winning. He won [crosstalk].
Jodi KatzRight. Whatever success was, he found it. So yeah, now I realize, Lauren, why you look so familiar to me, because I think I met you in the office. And the office had a tiki bar or something
Lauren BerlingeriExactly.
Jodi KatzIt was like, right, Aloha.
Lauren BerlingeriHe was very into office culture, which was also kind of ahead of its time, really. But I’m sure he learned a lot from Google and the years of startup culture. But I felt like no one in the wellness space was exactly giving that at the time.
Jodi KatzSo let’s talk about wellness, but really about you and wellness. This is about journey and career journey. So we’ll start with Katie. You’re running this business. It’s growing. Obviously I see the impact you’re making, and I’m sure you feel the impact you’re making. How do you define success today?
Katie KapsI mean, I think I define success on a few different levels. There’s obviously the typical, is my business growing at least 50% every year? Are we launching new products? Are we extending the lifetime value of our customer? Are we attracting great staff? Are we expanding into new distribution channels? There’s all of these standard KPIs that you look at from a business perspective, which luckily, we’ve had a great track record. I think we’re doing really well on all those fronts.
And then I think there’s also this more soul-satisfying metric of all the people’s lives that we’re changing, which we get the most incredible feedback from our customers about, “I was gonna have to have back surgery, and I used your mat, and now I’m healed,” or “I have chronic Lyme disease and I couldn’t get out of bed, but now I use your blanket, and I’m living more of a normal life.” So you really can’t put a price tag on those. I think that’s really the stuff that at the end of the day and you’re looking back at your life, that’s really what counts. So I think that’s a beautiful thing.
And then the other metric would be, am I enjoying the journey? Am I finding happiness even in the moments of struggle? Am I growing and learning and evolving and still finding laughter during the tough times, and discovering new ways to take care of myself? And I think we’ve been so fortunate to be able to try out all these amazing—well, this technology is incredible, thought leaders, doctors. And on that level, it’s been a great success too. So, there’s definitely hard days. But when you step back and look at those ways to measure success, it’s exceeded my expectation.
Jodi KatzSo Lauren, we heard Katie say that earlier in her career, she thought her paycheck was her report card, which by the way, Katie, I’ve never thought of that before, but that’s a genius analogy. So Lauren, eight years ago when you sat down with Katie and you’re like, “Let’s make this business happen,” what was your definition of success eight years ago?
Lauren BerlingeriOh man. I don’t even think I thought about it that far in advance, to be honest with you. I kind of operate sometimes out of this deep knowing. And sometimes I force things to happen even though they shouldn’t be happening. And over years, I’ve learned that there’s more powerful ways to get things done than being forceful. And I’m trying to learn to now be more in flow and more receive what is coming to me at that time.
But the first three or four years, I had the Navy SEAL mentality of, “No one’s gonna stop me. I’m making everything happen. Push and just go.” I don’t even think I had a chance to stop and really think about it. And Katie actually would always bring this to my attention, that even when we had these amazing milestones of the New York Times writing an article on us, I would never stop to enjoy it because I was so in the future of what else do we need to do? More, more, more, more. And that really preyed a lot on my health. And after I had my twins and then I had my business, I had this real moment of needing to hit the reset button. I ended up having a grand mal seizure out of nowhere.
And at that moment in time, I had to rethink how I was doing everything, including how I was taking care of myself, how I was pushing the company, how I would show up to work every day, how I was being a mother, how I was being a wife. So that was a real wake-up call for me. And I changed a lot of things after that. And it’s kind of funny because I’ve been able to leave New York now and move to Austin, and we’ve just been in New York for the last week, and it’s crazy how easy you can get right back into it. We’ve literally packed our schedule, every minute and every hour that we’ve been here, getting things done. And actually, this is the last thing that we’re doing for today and this trip. And we just kind of look at each other and be like, “Wow, we are insane how much we got done.”
But that used to be our life before. We were just going 100% full speed. We had nothing else going on, no family or kids. Her and I were together making stuff happen. So, I don’t know. I’m more stepping into a different phase in my life, where again, I’m just trying to be more open to receiving and abundance, and being in flow and being in the right place at the right time, and not trying to be so forceful about things, and not stress about whether or not someone’s gonna invest into our company or a partnership’s gonna happen. I am full trusting that whatever needs to happen will happen. And that’s been a big energy save for me.
Jodi KatzThank you for sharing notes about your physical health. I’m hoping that you’re okay. And it’s amazing that you’re willing to share that with our fans, because that must have been incredibly scary for you and your family.
Lauren BerlingeriYeah. Especially when you have two babies that are one years old that are relying on you, and you’re just—well, I realized I had more of a fear of dying than anything, and that kind of shook things up for me. But it’s really cool because the show Biohackers, we’ve been able to do things to help rewire our brains and rewire PTSD. And I got to do ketamine therapy that totally—I don’t want to say healed me, but it really helped me gain control of my mental health and really helped put things in perspective for us. So I think Katie and I were really lucky that we get to explore this world of health and wellness as a job. We literally started Biohackers so that we could just get free services.
Katie KapsThat’s why you started it.
Lauren BerlingeriYeah. Because this is what we would be spending our money on anyway. So we were like—the worst thing that could happen is we just got to do all the things that we love to do. And then it ended up being so much bigger and so much more, and we just saw the demand for more women and more people to have access to—there’s things out there that can really help you, that can really change your biology, the way you think about things, take you to the next level, and not just take you from being sick to healthy, but healthy to optimizing and performing at a high level, which I think you’re starting to see that switch now in health and wellness, where people are starting to talk more about this. Health and wellness is a lifestyle. It’s more than just trying not to get sick.
Jodi KatzI want to pause a second to say hi to people who have joined us and are listening. So that’s Brit and Erin and Mickey and Barbara and LivePurelyWell and the HappyHealth and Michelle and Meli and HolaYoga and Joy and Lux and Celia and many others, too many to name, but Jones and Carly.

So I love this idea of working to reprogram your brain. I actually did that with a bell. Lauren, I was a lot like you. Something great would happen. I’d be like, “Okay, great, move on to the next thing. Move on to the next thing.” I would never ever just even sit with it for a second. And what was happening is, in my brain, the really bad stuff that would happen, the really crappy work days and work situations, they would just eat away at me for days, nights, weeks. But the happy things, the amazing things, they’d never spend a second in my vortex of energy.

So I think I saw this on a real estate show. They would ring a bell every time they’d close a sale. So my whole team has bells, and even our clients, and we ring the bell for anything. It could be something small, like sending a hard to write email. It could be for something big, like getting a new client. But literally, there’s bell-ringing happening all the time now at our own desks in the office, at our clients’ desks, and we just program our brain to remember that amazing things happen every day. [Bell ringing]
Lauren BerlingeriI love that. Where did you learn that?
Jodi KatzOne of those reality TV shows where they sell houses.
Lauren BerlingeriThat’s so funny. Oh my gosh. It sounds like something that has so much science and research because your brain remembers the noise, and then it releases dopamine when you hear the bell. And that goes so much longer. And I really do resonate with being fixed on the things that didn’t work versus the things that did work I totally forget about because I wouldn’t have to worry about it. I feel like that drives a lot of us [inaud.] [00:32:42], actually.
Jodi KatzYeah. So I ring the bell for the great things. And the things that are really challenging that are kind of sticking in my brain and I can’t get out, I write it down and I put it in an old tissue box as, that’s my way of releasing it in the world. And then every once in a while, every few months, I’ll go back in that tissue box and look at these scraps of paper. And I have no idea what these things were. They felt so big at the time. And I can’t remember what the problem was.
Lauren BerlingeriI love that. Love that.
Jodi KatzSo yeah, these things are my attempts to reprogram my brain, because amazing things do happen every day. I have so much to be grateful for, and I want to really be focused on that. And that means that when the hard stuff happens, like losing a client, or blah, blah, blah, yeah, it hurts, but it doesn’t hurt for as long and it doesn’t hurt for as heavy.
Lauren Berlingeri1
Jodi KatzSo let’s talk about—you had spoken about, you didn’t use this language, but I’ll use the language that I use—the seduction of growing the business, the seduction of getting back into this super speed business work. Katie, now that you’re both living out of New York and apart from each other, what are the moment that seduce you back in the business and call you in, and maybe are asking you to go further and longer than you really want to be?
Katie KapsI think the pandemic shifted things for me because all of a sudden, we’re all trapped in our apartments. I stopped drinking, so obviously then I’m like, oh, I have all these brain cells that I wasn’t using before. And I actually feel like working. So I started working way harder, and our sales were picking up. And then I have had the opposite journey of Lauren, where I started the business with her because I was like, I don’t know, it could fail, but at least I’ll be able to use the sauna every day. I was like, cool, free sauna. And now I’m like, must have an exit, maniacal. But I got to that point of being so maniacal again, and I realized there is that sense of not everything in life is linear. And just because you put in so much effort, it doesn’t mean you’re gonna get the result you want.
There’s the aspect of, I know it sounds woo, but manifesting. Making sure your energy’s in the right place, right, and that you’re having the right intention. And that’s gonna help put the energy out there that attracts the opportunities you want. So I think there’s that balance of [inaud.] [00:35:15] responsible for this person, then I’m gonna get to my emails and manage everybody, but I’m also gonna focus on my energy and my health so that positive things are coming to me.
Jodi KatzDo you find yourself scrolling on social media for too long that you know it’s not good for you, Katie?
Katie KapsYeah. I mean, I think social media was designed to suck us in and get us addicted. And there’s the kind of push/pull of I want to be on it for business so that I can keep my finger on the pulse of what’s happening, and a lot of our growth comes from our social media account. So it’s hard for me to delete and stay off in general. But then I do find, wow, why am I on here? I’m not friends with this person. Why am I staring at their account? So I think it’s just about setting boundaries around that. But I took two years off drinking. And so, every now and then, I’ll take time off social media. That’s kind of how I manage it.
Lauren BerlingeriRemember when you turned your social media black and white?
Katie KapsOh yeah, yeah. That’s not interesting. Turn your social media black and white and see if you’re still interested.
Jodi KatzOh, you mean like you can make everything in the account turn to black and white?
Katie KapsYeah.
Lauren BerlingeriShe did that.
Katie Kaps[Inaud.] going on. And I was like, that’s actually kind of genius. Are you really learning from this? Are you really gaining anything other than just that cheap hit of dopamine? Kind of puts things in perspective a little bit.
Jodi KatzYeah. That’s so interesting. I actually found myself the past few weeks just kind of in this pattern of—I mean, I’m usually not someone who—I don’t sleep with my phone next to me. I don’t want it in the bedroom with me. I’m not a super—I mean, I run a social media agency, but I’m actually not a believer. I am for my clients, and not for myself and not for my kids. And I’d just gotten into this funk where I just had this phone in my hand all the time. And I didn’t like myself. I didn’t like myself at all. It’s like, what am I watching? I’m literally watching people make soaps in their kitchen and then cut the soaps up into little pieces. Why do I have to watch this?
And I realized I was missing something in my life. And I was missing a book, a good book. And I just decided, I need a break from social media and news on the internet. And I picked up a book, and I’m a happier person now.
Katie KapsMm. That’s amazing. Yeah, we kind of get to this point where we forget what we love doing as a hobby or what we’re passionate about, because we’re so used to the second we get bored or don’t have anything to do is just to entertain ourselves with TV or social media. And it doesn’t make you feel good. It doesn’t make you sleep at night. There’s the odd show that is the feel good that’s really beautifully done and it’s really well-filmed. But most of the shows are playing on your emotions and in a negative way, and putting you in dark places, and then exposing yourself to blue light before you go to bed, and then you don’t sleep good at night. And it’s just like, yeah, you really gotta stop and think for a second, is this serving a higher purpose and contributing to a greater good? Which is usually just feeling good.
Jodi KatzAnd that’s an incredible segue to the next portion of our show, which is the after show. So now we’re gonna walk right into our exclusive Instagram Live content. And so now I’m gonna actually restart the show, just so you know what I’m doing, for Instagram Live exclusive content. So that wraps up our interview segment. Thank you to Lauren and Katie for your honest answers. For those of you who joined us mid-show, welcome to Where Brains Meet Beauty. Today I’m joined by Lauren Berlingeri and Katie Kaps, co-founders and CEOs of higherDOSE. And you can find this whole episode on our feed after the show if you’ve missed anything.
[After-show segment]
Well, I went for my first infrared sauna the other day when I saw you, Katie, and I loved it. It was so great. So thank you for introducing me to that. So Lauren can’t hear us, but Katie can. So we’re concluding our episode. I’m gonna read the conclusion.
So thank you so much for joining us for our first episode in the Health-themed quarter. I’m so excited for the things that we have in store for you later this quarter. So please join us really soon as we welcome Rolanda Wilkerson. She’s a principal scientist and skincare expert of Olay. So she’ll be our next guest, and we’ll get you those details on social. And make sure you’re following us on Instagram to stay up-to-date on the upcoming Lives and all the fun we have along the way. Thank you, everybody. Thank you, Lauren and Katie.
Katie KapsThank you.
Lauren BerlingeriThank you. Bye.
Jodi KatzThank you. Bye. Thanks, everyone, for tuning in. See you.

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