Here at WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™, we’re always fascinated by multi-hyphenates — those who do it all. So we couldn’t have been more excited to speak with Madison Headrick, Model, Influencer, Founder & CEO of care.e.on. Discovered at a Walmart in her hometown of Charleston, South Carolina by a talent scout, Madison has been working as a model since she was 14 years old. She even had to put college on hold for fashion week! But after years of jet-setting around the globe, Madison noticed something was missing: clean, travel-sized skincare.
“I pack the night before a flight and skincare is always the last thing going into the suitcase. The travel-size stuff wasn’t the greatest quality. My skin wasn’t good when I was on the road.” Madison took things into her own hands and created care.e.on; eco-friendly, travel-sized beauty kits.
To hear more about Care.e.on and Madison’s journey from model to mogul, listen to this episode wherever you get your podcasts!

Aleni Mackarey | Welcome to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™ hosted by Jodi Katz, Founder and Creative Director of Base Beauty Creative Agency. Hi Jodi. How are you? |
Jodi Katz | Hi Aleni. I'm excited to talk to you. About who's on the show this week? |
Aleni Mackarey | Who do you have? |
Jodi Katz | It's Madison Headrick. She's ah, supermodel, no. Big deal. And she got scouted in high school. I think she was fourteen. I think she was scouted and like a store like Walmart or something. |
Aleni Mackarey | Oh my gosh, my crazy. Yeah. That's a total Cinderella story. |
Jodi Katz | Yeah. I wonder if like this happened today? If people would just think everyone's scamming them like, what would you do if someone came up to you and said, like, hey, you want to be a model? |
Aleni Mackarey | Yeah. I think I would probably think it's a scam. There are always those people on the street in New York who are just kind of like trying to get your information for one reason or another. But there are so many people who just go viral on TikTok and Instagram. So you never know. I guess it's better to feel it out and see how it how it goes. |
Jodi Katz | So I imagine Madison's modeling has taken her all over the globe. Which inspired her skin care line? You talked about called Care.e.on? Yes. It's such a great name. And she spells it in a really interesting way. But carry on, you know, hence, you know, teen your skincare products on an airplane and making sure they're carrying on size. She's traveled all over the world, and literally is like never in her home. She talks about how few days in the year. She's actually home in her own bed. So we played an awesome game on our Instagram live exclusive content, having looking at different activities you can do in airports around the world. And it's super awesome. Oh that's so cool. Fans should definitely check out that exclusive content on our Instagram. But I'm curious, Aleni, How do you describe you your packing style? |
Aleni Mackarey | I am definitely a carryon Queen. I love to fit as many things as I can into my carry on. Just because I like to be able to get off the plane and start moving right away instead of going to the checked baggage claim. And I do a lot of traveling with my sisters. So it makes it better to be able to kind of swap outfits and jackets and coats and shoes. And I guess accessories when we can and take more with us for quick trips. |
Jodi Katz | I'm happy to carry on. But I get really excited to just check my bags and, you know, have freedom and free hands in the airport. That makes me happy. |
Aleni Mackarey | Yeah. That is that that makes sense. Well this is gonna be a fun episode. I guess you can think about it as influencing in the skies. So if you're ready, let's get to it. This is episode two thirty three with Madison Headrick. |
Jodi Katz | Welcome to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™. We are a career journey podcast talking about what it's like to define success and reach for it in the beauty and wellness industries. Today we continue our influencer journey theme with Madison Headrick fashion model, philanthropist and founder of Careeon over a decade in the fashion Industry. She's no stranger to a hectic schedule. Long flights and needing to find small moments to herself for self care. With tons of followers and Instagram, she covers topics from magazine cover sheets to skincare. I'm excited to dive into the conversation about our career journey from fashion runways to running a business. Hi Madison. Welcome to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™. |
Madison Headrick | Thank you. Thanks for having me. |
Jodi Katz | Well I want to start our conversation off with my favorite questions. Since we're career journey show. Let's go way way way back. So I know you were spotted at fourteen years old for modeling. But let's go back to like ten years old before that happened. When you when your ten? What do you want to be when you grow up? |
Madison Headrick | Oh my gosh. This is so funny. So when I was a kid and, you know, in elementary school, they go around the classroom and asked what everyone wants to be when they grow up and everyone like drawing pictures and like, hang it up on the wall and. It's funny because I said that when I grow up, I want to be a mom. And she proves like, okay, well, I was like, it's the most important job in the world. It's what I want to use a mom. And she was like, okay, what's your second answer. I was like, astronaut, just like, okay. So when I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut slash mom. I know when I got older that can still happen. Who knows people are going to space now? So and then when I got into high school, I really was obsessed with sports and with broadcasts. And I was I wanted to be the next Aaron Andrews. I studied broadcast journalism, which is really a funny like segue into modeling is because I learned so much in school from behind the camera to being in front of the camera lighting and editing and filming everything. So That was really cool. Yeah. There's also I guess there's still time for that as well. There's a lot I think you can make a lot happen in every. Yeah. Um. |
Jodi Katz | Okay. So let's talk about getting scouted as a model. You said you're fourteen years old. Give us the whole story. |
Madison Headrick | Yes. So I was fourteen years old, and I was living in my hometown, Charleston, South Carolina. And I was with a friend who knows after school after cheerleading practice. And we ran into Walmart. Oh places to grab a water and a snack before heading home to homework. And I ran into a Talent Scout there who approached me and asked me if I was a model asked me if I ever considered being a model. Um. Which like a first I was like stranger danger like that so weird and had zero plans of ever modeling like didn't know anything about fashion was. Was I was just a kid like. And but I gave it some thought. And obviously I wasn't with my mom at the time. And ah, the Town Scout had given me a business card and I had thrown into my backpack kind of forgot. And my mom saw it and was like, we need to have a talk, like, what is this. And so we met with them again with my parents, and they kind of just like told us about the industry and told us what the possibilities could be. And I was like, you know what? The sounds interesting. That sounds like something I might be interested in. But again, I was a kid. I was so young and, you know, I'm so grateful and thankful to have parents who support me because that's ah, that's a tough decision for parents to, you know, be supportive, their kids and want them to follow their passions, but also being parents and being protective and making sure that. You know, a child. And during an adult world is they're taking care of. And so my parents were super involved in very supportive. And yeah. So from like fourteen to about eighteen years old, I would only do shoots when I had school break. Suppose spring break or whatever. And then I started full-time. When I was eighteen. I actually graduated high school early. I'd applied to colleges his had gotten in and I took like the second semester of my senior year and I was like, okay, this is the time I'm going to devote everything to modeling. And if it goes well, great. And if not, I'm enrolled in college? My dorm room setup. The whole thing. I'm just gonna go to college. After and modeling. It was just like zero to one hundred from the day I really started at the age of eighteen and moved to New York on a whim. And guess the rest is history still here. |
Jodi Katz | When you're fourteen in the Walmart. Um. And you said, stranger d and generally, how did you know like what's hold you that the seemed legitimate? Because I would think the same as you like. What's this like? You know, man talking to a teenager. |
Madison Headrick | Well it's funny because like I think if I remember her, it's like one of the first questions was like, no one's ever asked you this before. And I'm like, no, not really like, I don't know, like how many people in Charleston are walking around. Ah. Asking young girls. Adults? Yeah. Um. So yeah. I thought it was a bit strange. And like the idea d of modeling and fashion was just so foreign to me that I was like, this is this is kind of crazy, but but no as a fourteen year old, the idea of like legitimacy and like, is it something I wanted to do was not really my first. I was like, I just want my Cheetos. Here's your parents thought, I'm sure though. Yeah. My parents you know they were. They were definitely not skeptical, but they were worried for sure. But again, they wanted to be supportive, and they didn't want to hold me back from something I really wanted to do. So my parents traveled with me like. Till I was eighteen every shoot every job I was on. They were there or a family friend. I was never alone. And yeah, they made it a really like welcoming and safe environment. And I really just got to express myself and find my love for fashion and the industry and such a beautiful and pure way. That was that was really cool. |
Jodi Katz | Do you remember what your first paid gig ones? |
Madison Headrick | Yeah. It was a Ralph Lauren campaign. And I remember that I remember I was young. I think I was sixteen when I did. Ralph Lauren and I was on set with girls. I looked up to as Isabel Montane and Valentino's Odilia. And yeah, it was like. You know the supermodels and they're on set like flipping their hair. The poses that I was. I had no idea what to do. I was like a deer in headlights, and I was just watching their every move, like trying to learn from the best. And it was it was a crazy experience for sure. |
Jodi Katz | So what did you do on set that day without any background? |
Madison Headrick | Oh. I stood. They're like a deer in headlights. I was just standing there. I didn't know that models moved in front of the camera, like I didn't know. That was a thing. I thought you'd like San and take a picture like I've never been on a huge photo. Shoot before with like large production and everything. I just I didn't. I had no idea what I was doing. Alright. No idea? And I'm with the photographers direction. Did you start to move? Yeah. A little bit. But it was like, you know, I mean in that at that age, like especially as a young girl like your body is going through so much like you're changing. You're growing, you're becoming a woman. And you're just like, I don't know what I'm doing like I have no control. I don't know what's going on. Like there's a lot of, um, there's a lot of you know. Confusion is that time in life. So I was like, you know, I'm just gonna fake it till I make it. |
Jodi Katz | And were you using that campaign? Did you see your images out in the world's? |
Madison Headrick | Yeah. Which is cool. It's awesome. I love that. Okay. So you mentioned that you applied to college and you actually went to college, right? Yeah. Um. So you're modeling and going to school at the same time. Yeah. So I was supposed to be going to college of Charleston right after my senior year of high school. But since that semester that I graduated early from I went straight into fashion week, I was in Milan and. I was doing shows and running around and I was like, this is going really well. I want to keep this going. So I ended up not going to call it the Charleston. But about a year into modeling. I just I missed learning and I love school. I was like, one of those weird kids that love school for whatever reason. And I missed it. And so I wanted to continue my education and I ended up going to NYU for two years. I haven't finished yet, but it's something I promised. My Dad. I was like, it doesn't matter how old I am. I promise I'll go back. When things slow down I'll go back. So I might be that mom. That's like in the back of this classroom with their kids going to what's together. But yeah, that was that was that was hard, very hard balance of in my view and. |
Jodi Katz | And modeling, traveling the world. So let's talk about travel. Thank you for the Segway carry on is themed around skin care while traveling and self care while traveling. So um, do you actually like calculate in your head like the distances you've gone and the number of flights that you gone and a typical week or month? |
Madison Headrick | It's funny like prepay pandemic. I was averaging two and a half months out of the year where I was sleeping in my own bed in New York. So it's a lot like constantly living on an airplane and living out of a suitcase, basically almost half my life. I've just been so used to it and used to always being on the go. I mean, now that, you know, obviously during Kovind. No one was traveling. But now things are picking back up again and travel chutes and location shoots are happening and again. Thank goodness. I'm very happy about. Um. And so the travel is already full speed again. I think last month I had like. Think I did eighteen flights or something? Yeah. So at least like two to four flights a week is the norm and whatever you learned about your skin in all this travelling. Yeah. Well what inspired me to create Carryon is how brutal traveling it is. And you know it's it's hard. It's hard on your body is hard on your mental health and your physical health on your skin. It's just it just takes such a toll on you. Especially when you're traveling in between time zones like your internal body clock is off. You're hungry at weird times. You're not sleeping well. And it just affects overall per performance. Like let alone looks. It's just like you just feel off. And traveling so much and always being on a plane I was, I felt like I was dying. I was like, how are people doing this? Especially because there's a lot of times or I'll be onset in New York shooting all day going straight from set the airport, taking a redeye landing, going straight to another set without even like shit, showering or sleeping in a bed and so to land and have to be able to look good. But not only look good, but feel good and perform well is very challenging. And I just felt like my skin was getting dull and dehydrated. And again, I wasn't sleeping while I wasn't eating correctly. I wasn't moving my body enough and it just start to take a toll. I mean, so I was like, okay, it's time to find a solution to this. And why did you choose to create that solution for yourself? Why not? Just you. Buy products that exist. So that's that's a big question. And you know, for people who travel a lot like the time it takes to pack is like crucial. And that's something I've become. An expert at during all of these years is packing. And I wanted to take the least amount time as possible. And so for me like the night before fly, I pack on my outfits. I'm not over packing. I'm not undertaking. I have everything I need. But I always would leave my skin care out for the next day because I want to get in the shower, do my whole skincare routine and then head to the airport. So it was always the last thing going into the suitcase. And then, you know, know how it goes, you check. Ways to see how long it's gonna take you to get to the airport. There is a car wreck. It's going to take longer. And I'm rushing out the door and I don't have time to put all of my products into small bottles. And then this the travel size products that you find in a CVS or pharmacy, they're all like not that great of brands. Not that great of quality. Which I've used many times and I just again like my skin when I was using those products just wasn't good when I was on the road when I was at home in New York, like I felt great. And my skin looked grey and also something to keep in mind as I like all of those expensive brands, the expensive Belichick research and all these brands I love and use. They're travel. Size versions are almost as expensive as the big bottles. So for me, it's like if I'm spending a lot of money on a moisture I want the whole bottle like I don't want the one-ounce that I'm spending all of this money on. So that's where I was. I came up with Kerryon. I am. I'm curious. How often are you? Do you not know where you're going tomorrow today? Is that pretty frequent all the time all the time? I mean, this morning alone I woke up. Ah. A bunch of missed calls from my agent, like we need you at this right now and so like sprung out of bed and like went and went straight to a meeting. But it's like that a lot of times, especially with shoots and especially like since coded times like if someone tested positive, like on the flight there, whatever so like. It's I'm no stranger to having to getting the last minute. Call ahead to the airport. It happens all the time. There's been a time where I was in the gym and I was so sweaty and they're like, you have thirty minutes to get to J F. K. And I'm like, running got on the flight, all sweaty and workout clothes went straight to issue like, yeah, it's it's ah, it's a unpredictable job. |
Jodi Katz | So you know, the reason why I asked is because you mentioned when he's eager skin care for last unpacking which I do too. And then it's like the probably the most important stuff you're going to pack. But then it's like, I don't have room for all of it. Or maybe it's actually too hard to get the product out of the like original packaging into a travel size. Huh? But it's also the like, I feel like the mental head space. Like how much room do you really have in your brain when you like, wake up? And you might like, go to sleep at night in different time zone. And not even a plan for it that there's not enough room in your brain to have to wonder or worry about this stuff. Right. So? |
Madison Headrick | Totally. I think there's the solution isn't just about products that are sized right. It's about not have making. You have to think about it. Totally. And that's. And that's something that I thought was my plan with carry on is like you don't just buy one kit like the idea is to buy multiple kits and put them in all your bags. So you don't have to think about it. It just there. And you know that it's there one in your gym bag one in the briefcase and the diaper bag and your carry on size luggage. And so what's been really cool to see with our customers so far is that they get it like you see, people buy one kit. And they're clearly like trying it out. And then they come back and buy four or five kits, which is really cool because they get it. And like we've had a lot of grey rave reviews and people writing in and saying how much they love it. And you know, like traveling doesn't just mean Airlines. It could be like running around from the person who goes to the gym before going to the office. Like just having that moment of self-care and. I mean, listen, we all have busy lives. Whether you're a stay at home mom like juggling kids or you have a super demanding job or you travel a lot or you're road-tripping through America for a year like we all have busy lives. And it's so important to prioritize self-care. And we just make it easier and accessible and eco-friendly. |
Jodi Katz | Now This is our influencer journey theme. And I want to talk a little bit about influencing life idea letter. And I guess I want to come at it from the perspective of your. You're almost never in the same place. Yeah. You have moments. Notice of where that next job is? Which is, you know? Pretty taxi. |
Madison Headrick | Where is there? Time to even make building a community a priority. Well it's interesting. I had started a Youtube channel a couple of years ago that I did for fun, like literally just for fun to document like crazy shoots and like my life and how unpredictable and hilarious his times and people really loved it. And then I stopped doing it during covert, because I mean, just like everyone else on the entire planet, I was sitting at home, doing nothing. And there wasn't really much to talk about. And I've gotten a lot of people riding and being like, where are the Youtube videos like. We miss you. I come back and it's funny because as I never thought of myself as an influencer, just I'm just, you know, one of those people that just shares when I feel like sharing if I think something's funny or like wanting to share my work or whatever it is and so seeing people. You know, reach out and really wanting to know more and always, you know, tuning it is is a lot of pressure. And I tried to make everyone happy. And I want to be involved and connected with my community and people who have been supporting me like all throughout my career. It's really important to me that they feel heard and that, you know, like, do I share with them like there's a lot of times where I write back, especially on Facebook. I have a lot of followers on Facebook, and I'm always like responding to them being like, thank you. So much for always supporting me like even when I go to guys and like, I go quiet or I'm going through something you're there. So yeah. I mean, it's really hard to balance that I'm like always traveling Ng and like, okay, if I if I only have, you know, five hours of sleep tonight like, can I devote an hour to that to reaching out and being active on social Atar, it's a really hard balance. And it goes through ups and downs. But I try my best. Have you, I guess gone into the world of understanding the data around your accounts like who your fans are. Is that something that you dive into? Or do you just like what happened? What happens? I mean, I have it is interesting to see where a lot of my followers are. Um but yeah. And that's also something with Carryon that I found really interesting is where we see the most customers who buy from it's like we'll get like a shocking state, like I think Idaho, like we had so many customers, I was like, what like it wasn't at all like hello, everyone from Idaho. I love it so interesting to see where you know the followers come from. And I like how they discover someone is fascinating, but. Yeah. It's it's it's really interesting. But I kind of I'm just like something that's important to me is that social media, especially for myself, feels authentic and feels real. And you know, I never post or talk about brands or products that I don't support and got. I don't use myself. And for me. It's really important again. Just to be authentic and to be real. So I kind of I don't really take that into consideration, but it is something to think about for sure. |
Jodi Katz | Okay. So let's talk about. I think the hardest part about being in the public eye the comments. So do you read the comments? And when they sting? What do you do? |
Madison Headrick | They can really think I. You know, I think people can say. Oh. I don't read the comments or I don't look. Everyone looks like no one needs to be hiding that. Everyone looks. It's in your face. You can't like not go on Instagram and not see them. It's hard. Criticism is hard and people being mean as hard bullying is tough and. Yeah. I think, you know social media. Just like really opened up a whole new window on that. And just like, let the floodgates open of people voicing their opinions. And people aren't always nice. And it's really hard and difficult. And especially as a model like my job is getting judged like people judge me all the time I go in for casting. I go in for fittings are looking at my body looking at my face looking at my skin. You know, judging me off of my personality of like just speaking to me for five minutes like it's a lot of pressure and especially at a young age, like as a young teenager starting out and again, like I mentioned, like when you're you're going through puberty and you're trying to find out who you are are as a person, but also to like convey that to people and then to be hit with public criticism on top of that is like really a hard task. And I think that mastering that and being able to take criticism and letting some things go in one ear and out the other and filter through is. It's tough. It's really tough. But it's an a great skill to have and listen. I read the comments because sometimes we do need a wake up call. Maybe I am saying something that offends people and I should know better, you know, like I'm not. I don't. I don't think I'm the smartest person in the world. And I'm not perfect. And if I'm making mistake or if there's something I'm I'm doing that people don't like like I'd love to hear it. Of course, there's mean things as well. But I think that being able to take that criticism again and take the good and some of the bad is is a great skill. And it's hard. But you know, after being in this industry for over half my life, I've become used to it. And you know it doesn't. It affects me. But every once in a while, it might sting. And that's fine. I feel like the life of going on Cal scenes and audition. |
Jodi Katz | Where I'm sure it's some of the caf scene. Staff are completely appropriate and kind and respectful. Yes. Or you run into some people who say awful things. Right in front of you as if you don't have. Yeah. Hard. It really is like the in real-life comment section. |
Madison Headrick | It is. Yeah. For sure. |
Jodi Katz | So in some sense you've been, you know, you're you prepared yourself for what's happening in the digital world. But you live in to raw, totally in real life and you live totally. Yeah. Double Whammy. I'm curious. Like if we go back to fourteen, sixteen and eighteen. Are you someone who like always had like a lot of self-esteem? Was it always easy for you to like, hear something? And just be like, that's not about me. That's about them. |
Madison Headrick | Um yes. And it's actually something someone taught me once on set because. Yep. Being at a young age. And so on criticizing a newer someone I remember being out of casting and there there's girls lined up. There's probably ten of us in the stylus and designer going through and looking at us and looking at address like and I remember they got to me and I was, I don't know. I don't know. They're like her shoulders are way too wide. And also like I was like, I was like, I was freaking out and I came home as like, this is horrible. Like I was like and everyone. I mean, everyone was getting the comments. There's much worse things to be called other than like having wide shoulders. But I was like, you know, this is really tough. And someone told me once that they're like, listen, you have to think about it. And it's funny because I went to business school in NYU. So like, I should know this. And we learned about it in business class as well as like this, we have like a whole lesson on criticism and critiquing someone's art or product that they've come out with. And you know, when you're on set as a model like I am conveying and portraying an artist's image right with the designer. I'm literally showcasing their hard work and their pieces. And as a photographer, they have an idea of what the story should look like. And I'm there to deliver the message and, you know, so it's as a model. It's so interesting. Because I'm never really. I never really felt critiqued on the end result? Right. Like I'm just like the messenger and helping to convey the message. But when I started carry on and I started to get criticized on something I made it is like such a different thing. And it's such a different world because again, if someone doesn't like the length of my shoulders, I can't change that. Right. So I'd like it stings. But it's easy to get over because it's like can't please everyone. Right. But when it's something that you've created and put your passion and heart and soul into and you're getting judged by your actual, like taste is is really is really a whole different ball game. But yeah, I think. Like I said, like with modeling something I learned and has saved me. And I think is a big reason why I've lasted so long is being able to realize, like it's not about me. It's like, maybe this just looks better on someone else. And that's fine. You know, has nothing to do with me while. |
Jodi Katz | The last question I have is around success and defy finding success. So you have a lot of things or you have carry on. Which is, you know, essentially it's infidelity rate. It's brand new. You have your modeling career. Which is, you know? Let's say your. I think you have a long road ahead of you. So I mean, you're just in it. Right. You're in the middle of it then you have influencing right. And that's certainly something you could choose to monetize and grow. So for each of these, I would imagine there's sort of different success metrics. You have in your mind, whether they're a number based or just, you know, emotive, but you're creating success for yourself in every single one of them. So I'm curious because it's only twenty four hours in a day. How do you manage that? Because success is so did the seductive. Right. You get like hired for Ralph Lauren. Shoot and then you're like, oh, my God. More. Right. So how do you manage that because it really can take over it? |
Madison Headrick | One hundred percent and especially in fashion. And you know, for me when I first started modeling like I studied it like, I was studying a class in school. And I had my bedroom and it had sticky notes and photos and like tear sheets from magazines. And I would like, practice the poses from a pose that I saw in a magazine. And I had a list of photographers, list of stylists, list of hair, makeup people brands. Dreamed of working with. And you know, I was always thinking it was like, how do I get better like, how do I enjoy like I made a list? I'm like, these are the photographers. I want to work with these. Are the jobs I wanna do before I'm done? And then I can like tap myself on the shoulder and like feel really accomplished and feel like I reached all my goals. And and that was something that I made. And luckily, I've crossed everything off my list. And I'm in for me. It's like a huge success for myself is because I set those goals and I was fortunate enough to attain them. But with modeling, it is like the never ending circle. It's never enough, which is really hard. Because you know you might be on option for shoot. And you're just like crossing your fingers and toes for weeks, like hoping that you get in, then you get it. And they're like, okay, now, I want to go to next step. And then the next day, like, it's just like this. Constant circles. So it's really hard to be to ever feel like you've gotten enough. Right. And so for me, like having those goals and checking it off, I'm like, okay, I should be happy like this is this is it like if there's more amazing, but defining success for me just reaching my goals and with modeling, I did it. And now carry on as my big baby. And we have a lot of goals as a team. And I'm just so proud of like we're only a few months old. But what we've accomplished so far has been really amazing. So we're already patting ourselves on the back. We're really excited. |
Jodi Katz | I love that Madison. I want to give you a tip that I learned a long time ago, because when you're an ambitious person, it's very easy to like reach a goal and then just like blow past that moment and move on to the next one. But that's not really great for your head in your heart when you need to pay attention to the winds. Right. You need to really honor them. Because what will happen is there's going to be the bad days and sucky situation. And you need to remember that good things happen too. So um, I have a whole collection. |
Madison Headrick | Oh. |
Jodi Katz | And we all my team ring bells and good things like it could be like a tiny, good thing, like writing a hard email or getting something out on time or could be a huge thing like getting new clients, or you know anything that so good things happen every day. I'm sure like a zillion good things happen to you every day. Okay. As you progress down this entrepreneurial journey, like honor those moments, enjoy them. They will. They will carry you on the days where like things wrong. |
Madison Headrick | Thank you so much. I mean yeah. It's so true. You gotta soak it in because, you know. And that's something. It's funny because when I was younger or whenever I would get a big shoot like my mom and I would go celebrated like, I want to go to I want to go to the cheesecake factory like that's all I wanna do. And so like there's so many Hines went to cheesecake factory them. And I was like, I think we need a different like celebration because we're here too much. I'm like, that's so awesome. Like so it's like it's so important to like, take a moment and. |
Jodi Katz | Like OK, we did it like high five. Let's celebrate. Let's take a beat and then, like, move forward. But it's yeah, it's so important. I love that. I love that you sense. Ah yeah. Oh here's a personal question. How is wedding planning going while also running a business? It is stressful very stressful. I have to divide my days like I have from eight am to ten. Am wedding planning ten am to noon work? Carry on stuff that. Yeah. If it's it's hard, it is a full time job. And it's really funny because all my friends who got married were like, it's so much work planning a wedding. I was like, guys have a year to plan a party. It's not that big a like. Come on now, I understand fully, and it is. |
Madison Headrick | A full time, job and a half. It's it's a lot of work. So it's very stressful to say the least exciting. But a lot well, it's not just a party. It's a lot of yeah, family. There's a lot of pressure if it's the biggest day of your life. |
Jodi Katz | Yeah. There's a lot of pressure. I think I would like it more to like a multi day planning because you're gonna have like all your people flying in. Yeah. Right. And they all need to, you know, have them into the thoughtful experience from the writing room. So it's less more like it's less of planning a party parties. More like planning a multi-day a lot of presents. This is a good question. Where do you see carrying on in five years and any products ideas that you're excited? |
Madison Headrick | Yeah. In the future. That's an awesome question. Um. I hope in five years that anywhere. Where you are on the go and don't have access to self-care. I hope you do in fine. Carry on whether it's an airports or pharmacies are like quick grab and go places like that's where I see carry on the boast. Because again, it's for the people that need it last minute. So that's where I hope that we are and that we have more kids in the future. We're working on two really cool collaborations at the moment and new kits that we're really excited about them. We'll be announcing soon. Hopefully. Yeah. Super exciting things to come. |
Jodi Katz | It's a really good question. Why are models always looking so serious when they walked on the? Ah um. Well is great question, I think because. |
Madison Headrick | Well here's the thing about fashion shows. It's not about the model. It's about the clothes. Right. So you don't want to be, you know, smiling or making big facial expressions to take away from the designer's art and what they're showcasing. It's a really big moment for them and something that they've worked on for months. And so at fashion shows, yeah, you just don't want to be distracting. So you just try to keep it neutral. It's interesting in modeling. It's really, I think our attention or contrast, and you are hired as a model because of you. But then in a sense, you can't be you playing a role. Yeah. Right. So um, they want you specifically for the width of your shoulders by. Yeah. But one thing lights turn on. You are a canvas, right. So it's probably pretty like an intellectual, I think. I'm equation. Totally him from going from audition or casting into the role totally. |
Jodi Katz | So Madison. Thank you so much for your time today. Especially because you have business to run. Are you hopping on the plane today or tomorrow? |
Madison Headrick | Ah something tomorrow. Still waiting to find out. You're gonna hop on a call. |
Jodi Katz | You're gonna plan some wedding stuff and you spent time with us. So thank you so much. Thank you. Yeah. And this was our two hundred and thirty second episode. |
Madison Headrick | Ooh. That's awesome. |
Jodi Katz | And thank you all so much for joining us. If you'd like this episode, please rate and review as always make sure you are following us on your favorite podcast platform and Instagram to stay up to date on the upcoming episodes and all the fun along the way. Thank you. Everybody. Thank you Madison. |
Madison Headrick | Thank you. Bye. Bye. |
Aleni Mackarey | Thanks for listening to WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™ with Jodi Katz. Tune in again for more authentic conversations with beauty leaders. |