Episode 8: Jennifer Walsh, Consultant, Entrepreneur and Founder of Pride & Glory


Meet Jennifer Walsh. A serial beauty entrepreneur with breakthrough concepts. Listen as she shares about life/work balance and how she’s leveraged her biz growth journey into content that all entrepreneurs—no matter the industry—should discover.


Announcer | Welcome to Where Brains Meet Beauty, hosted by Jodi Katz, founder and creative director of Base Beauty Creative Agency. |
Jodi Katz | I am so excited to say that today we are joined by Jennifer Walsh. She is Consultant and Founder of THE Jennifer Walsh, which I hope that she'll tell us what "the" means. Welcome Jennifer. |
Jennifer Walsh | Hi, how are you? Thank you for having me. |
Jodi Katz | It's so exciting to have you here. Especially because I want our listeners to know that you and I just met. We haven't known each other more than two weeks. |
Jennifer Walsh | I know it's crazy. It feels like a long time. |
Jodi Katz | To be able to have these opportunities to meet new people and this business keeps evolving. There's so many people I haven't met. There's people that I know, and I just love this sense of like I just met somebody I could sit and talk to for hours. [crosstalk 00:00:57] And that is just so cool. |
Jennifer Walsh | It is. Isn't it? |
Jodi Katz | It's kind of rare, but I think when you meet someone who's an entrepreneur and you're an entrepreneur, and someone who's so open and honest, and willing to talk real, really. It makes me feel better about my situation and whatever's in my head that day to be able to talk with someone who's been in that space. |
Jennifer Walsh | You're so right. It's all about the journey. I think it's so important that as we grow in our journey that it's important to share our stories and our paths, because sometimes it can be really hard as an entrepreneur to keep going and to keep driving yourself to forward and without hearing other people say, "Oh, yeah, I've been through that." It's really hard. It's not just me. It's nice to hear that you're not the only one going through hard times. |
Jodi Katz | Yep, and you know after meeting you, seriously, my day felt like it was shining. I think it might have even been raining that day. I felt this sense of sunshine, you have such incredible energy, and your spirit. It was just so rejuvenating talking with you. Is that weird to say? |
Jennifer Walsh | No. I felt like we achieved the same thing, because I just thought when people are really passionate about what they do, and they really love what they do, and they carry that kindness within them. They say yes, this is gonna be great. I'm so glad to meet you. I feel like you're a power sister of wealth of information and knowledge, and goodness, and it just exudes out you. So I always feel like you attract what you put out there. You definitely have that around you. That's why I was so attracted about your business and finding more about you and what you did, and just think it's all really incredible. |
Jodi Katz | Well, even though I just met you two weeks ago, I had known of you thanks to your launching of a brand called Pride and Glory. That was a few years ago. I remember thinking when I saw this on social, "Oh, my God, this is genius. Totally, totally genius." Can we talk about that? Can you tell me little bit about what that brand was and why? |
Jennifer Walsh | Sure. Pride and Glory came out of an idea to create branded products around the collegiate market. It would be like bath and body care for University of Florida, and FSU, and those kinda like SEC schools I was starting with. It was really hard to for lots of different reasons, because I didn't get a massive amount of funding to support it. I started it on my own, and it was a lot of work. It was going to the labs, creating products for eight schools, and I actually created 40 products at launch. I think that was, as I can look back and say, "Oh, maybe that was a little bit too much." I should have scaled back to do one school to do a test or case study, but I didn't. It was really hard, but it was one of the most incredible experiences because I got to work with the Collegiate License Company, and learn what it was like to license products and create products for licensing purposes, and what that means in terms of making money and also working with the colleges and find out okay you have to pay royalty fees. It was really interesting, but at the same time I got to work with these schools and speak on college campuses about business and how do you grow a business, and how do you continue to grow and launch. That was my second business I created. It was kind of new, but different at the same. I had never created my own products before. I had a chain of stores and a website, but never my own brand and product. It was a very new experience that's for sure. |
Jodi Katz | Well, I just thought it was so genius, because college was a long time ago for me. |
Jennifer Walsh | You and me both. |
Jodi Katz | There still is I'm sure, since you started a line, a void in wouldn't I want Lafayette College pump soap, wouldn't I want Lafayette College shower gel. This is such an easy get for people, right? There's probably very few obstacles to buy. It's so smart. So clever. |
Jennifer Walsh | Thank you. Thanks. It was. That sounds like a very easy, "Oh, yeah, why wouldn't I get that?" At the same time, it was also very challenging for me to even get the doors open for stores to want to carry it. Not only did I have to make the products and market the products, and do everything like that myself, but I was also having to be the person to call the stores and say, "Hi, I'm so-and-so and I would love to talk to you about possibly carrying my brand in your stores." It was really interesting for me to go from being a store owner for 12 years. You know, I own brick-and-mortar stores. All of a sudden having the shoe on the other foot to say, "Okay, now I have this collegiate-branded product." I was talking to everything from bookstores, college bookstores, to local boutiques in Alabama and South Carolina. It was really, really interesting 'cause they kept saying, "Well, we really don't do that." I said, "I know 'cause it hasn't been done yet. So let's just do this." It was hard, but it was fun again. I really got to meet some really interesting people and learn how these colleges worked. I got to meet so many great small businesses in all these different markets, and it was really, really fascinating. I learned a ton. |
Jodi Katz | So cool. I want to dive into this beauty retailer that you spoke about. Before that, can you tell me why beauty? |
Jennifer Walsh | That's a really good question. My mom was a makeup artist when I was growing up, but I was never really into beauty as a kid. I was much more of a tomboy, and would go to all the sporting events with my dad, and liked baseball and football and all that stuff, and really didn't get into makeup until my 20s. I started doing makeup artistry on the side, as my side job when I was in my 20s. I was working in finance at Merrill Lynch, and I started calling everyone and saying, "Hey, can I just come in and help?" I wasn't looking to get paid. I was just wanting to learn what the ropes were like of makeup artistry, and what people did in movies and TV production, and magazine shoots, and all that. I was literally 22-23 years old. I really, really fell in love with it, but knew I had to continue to work a regular job so I could keep building this book of portfolio work. "Okay, I worked on the set of this movie, and I worked on the set of this." I just kind of fell in love. I really fell in love with the artistry of it. I fell in love with beauty. I fell in love with skin care and cosmetics and learning as much as I could possibly absorb. This was literally 24 years ago. Probably 24 or 25 years ago. The longer you work [crosstalk 00:07:52] |
Jodi Katz | You had your full-time job and then after work you'd go on set somewhere? Is that what you were doing? |
Jennifer Walsh | Yes. I would go anywhere. They would have me there filming things overnight or if they were doing things on the weekend, I would just insert myself to clean the floors. I didn't care what they asked me to do. I would just do it to be present and to see what it was like to work on set anywhere. Whether I was mopping floors or holding the makeup pallet for the makeup artist or whatever they needed me to do as a gopher or runner or whatever they needed me for, I would just call these people and say, "Hey, listen, I will do this for free. Do you want me for the weekend?" They were like, "Of course we do so come on over." What's funny is I was so [crosstalk 00:08:34] |
Jodi Katz | Do you think people would be receptive today if you were twenty-something today making those phone calls? Do you think the game is still the same? |
Jennifer Walsh | I think the expectation is different. I don't know why that is, but I feel like a lot of people are expecting to get paid to learn. I don't know if that's everyone, but I'm sensing that a lot of people do feel like well, I need to get paid, but I understand that, but I was working a full-time job. I couldn't understand the business unless I really got into it, and I knew I wanted to learn more about it. The best way to do that without losing my job was to keep my job and then just continue to do other things on the side to learn this craft that I might or might not like if I actually started working it. I didn't know. Why leave my good paying job for something I really loved as an idea, but I didn't know if I would really like it in the moment. I feel like a lot of people are like, "I think I really want to do this." But you really don't know until you start working in it. So I think that's important to do. Keep our full-time job. Keep your job that you have that's gonna be paying your bills, but then also find out what you love to do and see if you and insert yourself somehow and do it for free, and see if it's something you like. Sometimes when you do get into it, you find out you really don't like it. Then you think, "Oh, no. This is not gonna cut it. This is not for me." So I think it's really important to try and find out what you really love and don't lose your day job while you're doing it. |
Jodi Katz | I love that ambition. I don't know if in my 20s I have that kind of ambition. I think I was just like, "Okay, you're gonna give me a job. I'll take the job." I don't think I have a lot of other things on my mind except [inaudible 00:10:21] my socializing at night. |
Jennifer Walsh | Of course. |
Jodi Katz | I just loved the sense of commitment and drive and the willingness to probably for some people to say no to you. I would guess that not everyone said yes. |
Jennifer Walsh | Oh, absolutely. A lot of people said, "No, we don't need you. No, that's okay." But what's funny is a lot of people that I did work for, for free, are still my friends to this day. They're still movie directors and film producers, and magazine editors from all over the place. I can still count on them as friends and we can talk all the time. It's really fun to see those kinds of relationships evolve over the years for sure. |
Jodi Katz | Isn't that the key to network? You can't force them to happen. They just sort of happen on their own. [crosstalk 00:11:11] |
Jennifer Walsh | Oh, my God, that's true. Yes. Absolutely. |
Jodi Katz | It's not something that I knew about. I really, really, really saw it for real that if I didn't go to college or [inaudible 00:11:19] then it was just not gonna happen. I didn't grown up on every side going to school with so-and-so. It just wasn't gonna happen. I had this perception that I'm an outsider and if I'm an outsider, I'll always be an outsider. The reality is networks just take time to develop and grow, and you never know where they're gonna take you. You just have to give it time. [crosstalk 00:11:43] |
Jennifer Walsh | I'm so glad you learned that. I really, really glad you brought that up, because that has been such a side part of me as being an outsider in this industry. I have felt like an outsider, because I didn't take the path that so many had in beauty. Many girls grow up in New York City or they come here as their 22, 23 years old to become an editor or to be working for Estee Lauder to the LDMH's and I was totally not that person. I lived in New York. I grew up here, but then I left. I went to school in North Carolina, came back for a minute, and then left again, and that's when I grew my business in Florida. So I was really out of that whole circle of young women that grow in this business here in New York City, and I did not take that path. I felt like here I am this outsider in beauty that came back to New York as this 38-39-year-old woman, after she sold her first business. I always felt like an outsider. It was all about my relationships with the brands and the people, and making sure those are always top priority. Most important to me are always my relationships and your integrity of how you hold yourself in business. That was always the most important to me. |
Jodi Katz | You know, this idea of outsider status, for me, it breeds self doubt. I would say my disease is self-doubt, I think. It really doesn't go away. It gets minimized. I think what happens is you go to industry events and there's just hordes, so many people who work at the [inaudible 00:13:23] right? At Lauder, at L'Oreal or Coty or even maybe the P & G, and there's many of them. These are giant corporations with thousands and thousands of employees so it looks like a herd, right? It feels that way to me. |
Jennifer Walsh | Yes. |
Jodi Katz | I am the one that's standing by myself. [crosstalk 00:13:44] |
Jennifer Walsh | You and me both. |
Jodi Katz | Isn't that right. |
Jennifer Walsh | You and me both. |
Jodi Katz | So I'm 41 years old now, and I still go to these events and I literally have to take a deep breath and be like this is fine for the next hour and a half. I'm going to socialize with people I don't know and there's gonna be clusters or groups of people that I will not get to connect with, because they're stuck in their clusters and groups. They'll be people standing by themselves that I will get to connect with, and I'll probably meet some interesting people. So I guess that's you and I. Next time [crosstalk 00:14:12] |
Jennifer Walsh | Yes. |
Jodi Katz | We're standing by ourselves. |
Jennifer Walsh | Yes. Yes. I'm totally okay with that. I would have probably been a different mindset when I was 30 or 35 or whatever, but I feel like I can walk into a room and I can walk the walk and talk the talk. I have the background and experience to say, "Okay, I feel like I have really enjoyed my career thus far, and I've done some really incredible things, and I've met so many great people." I will always think of myself as the outsider even though I've had this crazy 20-year career in the business. I just feel so lucky to have been doing everything I've done, but at the same time, I usually, just like you, I'll walk into a room and I will not know more than half the people there. Just because I did not grow up on the Upper East Side. I grew up in the Bronx and I did not go to the schools that many of the people did, and I did not have the career at, like you said, Este or anything else like that. I worked at the brands, but on the outside. I was just a different path for me. |
Jodi Katz | What's cool about it now for me and sort of grounds me is more than half of our clients are what you would consider outsiders. People who never worked in one of these brands. Many of them never worked in beauty at all, and they just decided this is something meaningful to them, and they're gonna start this business. I think that's one of the reasons why we have a lot of clients who are outsiders is because I get it. I understand that feeling, that mentality, and the drive and what it really takes to break through, right? To say, "Okay, that's the way it's working for some people, but I'm gonna do it this way." Then these people they write their own rules, 'cause they don't even know what the rules are to begin with. You know? |
Jennifer Walsh | So true. You're better off not knowing. It's like ignorance is bliss, and that's how I felt most of my career was. I just didn't know. I just did it. That's how you experience how to do it when you don't have anyone else really to look up to or work with in that kind of capacity. I'm just gonna try it and see if it works and go from there. Sometimes that's what you gotta do. |
Jodi Katz | Well, on this theme that we wanna ask you some questions about, something that I think is incredible. You started and sold an ahead of its time, beauty specialty store called Beauty Bar. Was it sold in 1998 or did you start it in 1998? |
Jennifer Walsh | I founded it in 1998. So I started it then and I sold it in 2010. |
Jodi Katz | So this I consider ahead of its time, because it seems like the industry took maybe another decade to realize the power of localized beauty specialty. |
Jennifer Walsh | Yes. |
Jodi Katz | Where it's very highly curated and a brand, and as a retailer with personality, right, that takes on a life of a brand, can you share with us a little bit about the experiences starting and running and selling a business? |
Jennifer Walsh | Sure. Starting Beauty Bar, I didn't know what it was gonna become. I didn't intend to change the landscape of beauty that kind of thing. It was more of I'm gonna start a business. I gonna be able to take care of myself for the rest of my life. I just wanna have my own company so I can take care of myself. Really that was the whole idea of starting my own company. I just thought I was gonna make a little shop and that's it, and I'm gonna have this really cute, little store, and I'm gonna educate people on beauty. I didn't really think of grand scheme of what it could become, because again, ignorance is bliss. I went to school for business, but I didn't know anything about retail. So how it started was I had this PB beauty segment that was thrown into my lap in 1997. I was talking about products that people had never heard of. They're like why is Bobby Brown the Rap Star making makeup? I had to tell them that it was actually makeup artist, and why are you talking about Lush? There's nowhere to find it even though they were sold in London. I use to show the newspaper and some of their bath bombs and just talking these brands that no one had ever heard of before. It was a really great educational tool for me. Then people started saying well, why are you talking about it if you really cannot buy it anywhere? That then parlayed my discussions with Cristina Carlino who owned and started Philosophy. I'm like, well, I'm gonna open this store where I can sell the products that I'm educating people on TV with. Why don't I sell your products at my store? 'Cause I'm already talking about your products on TV, and now they can have a place for them to buy it. So that's kind of how it all started. There was nowhere for them to go. There was no Sephora, there's no Ulta, there was no other store like it yet. So I just remember grabbing my $30,000 that I had in savings, which I had Mutual Funds because of my work in the financial industry at Merrill Lynch. I said, "You know, I'm gonna open a store. What do I have to lose?" and when I say, you know, by your bootstrap, that's all I had to lose. [crosstalk 00:19:22] Some people feel like we have everything to lose. |
Jodi Katz | Exactly. |
Jennifer Walsh | I was 27, 28 years old or whatever, and I had $30,000 in savings that's my life. That's all I had. I had this little tiny apartment in Florida that was our beach condo or beach house that I was living in, and I wound up taking furniture out of my house and putting it into my 600 square foot store and here I was. There were some days I would sell maybe $25 worth of product in the very beginning. Because people are like, "Why are you selling soap that's $10? Why is it $10?" And I had to educate them that it's triple milled from France called L'Occitane and this is what it is. So it was really challenging. The first two years were hard, because people just didn't even know what I was. They couldn't even figure out why you're selling products in a store. People are not gonna leave a department store. They're not gonna leave Clinique and Chanel to come to a store and buy these no-name brands. People didn't know what Fresh or Kiehl's and La Mer were. Kept seeing them in the magazines though. It took some time to really get people to come in and understand that I'm selling unique products and they're niche brands, and this is what they are. I kinda treated people like they were coming into my home. Sometimes they didn't wanna leave for hours at a time. It was a really wonderful experience for me to really become integrated into a community in such a way that I had to so many weddings and funerals and baptisms and graduation parties. It was really a beautiful experience for me. I had a great staff that I had hired over the years. I had a few locations of my stores and the website started next, which was in 1999. Again this is before any brands are being sold online. So it was a way to integrate my TV segment I was then in doing once a week with my store with the website, and it blew up into a way that people weren't even giving out their email addresses back in 1999 and 2000. Because at the time, they said it was too dangerous. |
Jodi Katz | Right. |
Jennifer Walsh | Too dangerous [crosstalk 00:21:37] |
Jodi Katz | Y2K, right? |
Jennifer Walsh | Yes. Exactly. [crosstalk 00:21:41] |
Jodi Katz | They were planning for Y2K. |
Jennifer Walsh | Y2K. Oh, my gosh. It was the end of the world. |
Jodi Katz | We're really dating ourselves here anyone who's listening [crosstalk 00:21:47] |
Jennifer Walsh | I know. |
Jodi Katz | I have no idea what we're talking about. |
Jennifer Walsh | Probably Y2K [crosstalk 00:21:53] That's right. |
Jodi Katz | Well, I'm sure we could speak for hours about [crosstalk 00:21:55] |
Jennifer Walsh | We could. |
Jodi Katz | What it took to start Beauty Bar and grow it and then sell it, which is, of course, the new beauty entrepreneur's goal, right? Many of them want to launch a brand and ultimately sell it and cash out. But I'd like to segway into the stuff that you're gonna be working on and launching soon. Before we do that, I'd like you to share a little bit with our listeners about the personal toll [crosstalk 00:22:24] and running a brand, and working and being seduced by growth, and what kind of impact did it have on you physically, emotionally, spiritually? |
Jennifer Walsh | Yes. That's a really a great segway and a really great point, because I think so many people are so seduced by the word entrepreneur anymore that everyone just decides they're gonna be an entrepreneur without actually really even understanding what it means to build the business and that takes a toll on yourself, your family, your health. When I started my first company, I didn't know. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, and I didn't know that I was growing this business to become that it became. So you have to be really present in knowing who you are as a person. You have to, and I hate the word balance, but you have to find out what makes you happiest during your day. To find time for me, was always to go or a run, and I need to get outside and feel the energy outdoors. I was working 12, 16-hour days when I started my first company. I started my company, I started growing it, then I got married, and I all of a sudden had a step-son. It was married life with a child, and lots of kids in the house, and how do I manage to grow a business and keep everything in line and keep everything happy, and positive and growing. So I think it's really important people understand you have to understand yourself before you really start a company or grow a company for that matter. Without understanding who you are, and your limitations, it can really weigh heavily on yourself and your family, and anyone that's close to you. People can see it before sometimes you can see it. Like wow, your really run down. You need to relax a little bit and unwind. It's just not the sense of I'm so busy, it's more of oh, my God, how am I gonna pay my rent or oh, my God, we're growing so fast how am I going to meet what we need to do. So it's a lot of ebb and flow of life and you have to really be okay with the changes that will take place. Also, what are your long-term goals? Do you want to be running a business in 15 years? Because so many people, I think, are just thinking, I'm gonna start a company and I'm gonna cashout in five years. That's not the way to run a business. You really need to be in it for the long haul, because once you start a company, then you're responsible for employees possibly. Your responsible for a lot of people's livelihoods and the roof that you put over their heads, and that can kinda weigh on you when you have 50 employees or 100 employees. If you're not the one to get funded, it's all on you. So you have to be really careful in what your expectations are of your business and your time, and what kinda business you want to run. [crosstalk 00:25:19] |
Jodi Katz | It's interesting that you talk about that, because in my business, it's been 10 years that I've been in business, but it's been really slow growth, really, really slow. I don't know if I really intended for it, but the first five years were like having teeny, tiny kids in my arms. |
Jennifer Walsh | Mm-hmm (affirmative) |
Jodi Katz | And being on the phone with a client at the same time. |
Jennifer Walsh | Yes. |
Jodi Katz | Just sort of working enough to work, but not really having a lot of clarity. I mean, I had great clients. The first five years I mostly did work with Clinique and Calvin Klein. You couldn't ask for better partners that that. But then this idea of responsible for people and when the workload gets low, having to lay people off, was the worst. |
Jennifer Walsh | Yeah. |
Jodi Katz | It's the worst. After that a few times I decided for low overhead. How can I run this business with the least amount of overhead and still do a great job? I had to learn that the hard way. I think most of us need to learn these things the hard way. |
Jennifer Walsh | Absolutely. |
Jodi Katz | Now I'd like to hear about what you have planned, and I'm calling it "THE" Jennifer Walsh, but that means something. |
Jennifer Walsh | It does. |
Jodi Katz | Can you tell us what that means? |
Jennifer Walsh | I think I even told you in our little breakfast. I said after the past year, I sold out Beauty Bar and no longer am a part of Pride and Glory so all of a sudden I'm like, "What do I do next?" For 2016, I kind of took a pause, and I took a step back to reassess everything. Because here I am grown up, I'm in my 40s, and what do I want to do next that's of quality to me that makes me happy? I'm not 25 years old saying, "Okay, what am I gonna do for the next 30 years or something?" You know, in this part of my life, I'm like, "What do I want to do that adds quality to my life and to the people around me that's positive and that's uplifting, and that can help other people?" I know I've been doing this for a long time so THE Jennifer Walsh actually stands for T-H-E is The Healthy Entrepreneur. So I really wanted to build a platform that helps people understand how important that they're health and well-being has to be the forefront of anything they do in business. So whether you're starting your own business or if you're within a company, how you treat others and how you treat yourself is really the most important part of your work. Because without a strong leader, you really don't have a strong company, and without a strong person, in terms of what you're feeding yourself, how you're gonna treat yourself, you cannot be good for anybody. Whether it be at work or your family, you really have to make sure you're making quality time for you. So that's what the website is gonna be all about is what are you eating, what are you doing on your free time, ow do you spend time in your home, in your office? Are they places where you can find some serenity and zen? So I will be spotlighting some businesses that try and make some really good, positive places in the workspace, some beauty products that really make your life easier and they're beautiful products. Also, My Walk With Walsh, which I started doing in Central Park last year to be a place for my interviews. My Walk With Walsh Series will be living there as well. So just lots of inspirational stories and videos and usually some fun content. So it's been exciting. I'm excited to be building it out and hopefully launching in the next few weeks. Of course, it will be a work in progress, but as is everything in life. So that's kind of what I've been working on right now, which is really exciting. |
Jodi Katz | I love it. I love that it's an article before your name, "The", and I love that it means The Healthy Entrepreneur, and I love the topic. It's kind of one of the reasons why we started the Where Brains Meet Beauty Podcast. We wanted to hear about what's happening in the minds and the soul of the people who are active in our business. It's not about sales figures and hurray, we made our numbers. It's what's inside, right? Like when do you find time to exercise? How do you spend time with your family? What does balance look like for you? How do you achieved serenity or maintain it? These are the things that I'm really curious about 'cause they're the challenges that I have, right? Like holding onto serenity? Finding it and keeping and losing it and getting it back. This is one of the big motivators for me, and how I deal with my day with my family and my work. These are the things that are important to me now. Maybe in my 20s, it was really not about that at all, but I love this and I can't wait to see it blossom. |
Jennifer Walsh | Thank you. [crosstalk 00:30:14] I really appreciate that. |
Jodi Katz | So many people will appreciate it. These stories, these learnings, I don't think that they're shared enough. I think that there like a "fake balance". |
Jennifer Walsh | Yes. |
Jodi Katz | People talk about that. It's like this fake balance that people talk about in a fake way, but really they feel chained to their desk. That's not what I want. I want real balance like a busy day, a not so busy day. [crosstalk 00:30:45] A fun day, maybe it is a hard day. Not every day's gonna be rainbows and unicorns, but [crosstalk 00:30:51] stuff, right. Like talk about stuff honestly. |
Jennifer Walsh | It's so true, and I'm so glad you're doing this Podcast. Because as soon as I saw you were doing this, I was like, "Oh, I need to sign up and subscribe." I only listen to Podcasts now, and I only watch videos on YouTube that are inspiring stories that really help me feel uplifted in business and in life, because that's what I want. I don't watch the news anymore. I just don't. I just can't. I'll read the paper, but I want people that are being real, because that's a problem. So many people are like I have to have an Instagrammable day. It has to be beautiful and I think, oh, my gosh. I’m working with my clients, 'cause I'm a consultant as well. So I'm on my computer most of the day, and it's not always beautiful, and I'm not taking gorgeous pictures, because I'm actually working really hard just doing these documents and spreadsheets. So it's not really pretty, but people know where my inspiration comes from, because they'll see my pictures in Central Park. So that's my zen time, that's my serenity. So when I take my pictures in Central Park when I go for my walk or my run, that's where I find my greatest peace. So I think it's important for people to find that. Whatever that is. Whether it be a walk outside or something, it's important of just saying, "Oh, okay. I've got five minutes to breathe for myself. Now I feel a little better." |
Jodi Katz | Well, I think we could talk for hours. The last thing I wanna ask you about is on your Walk with Jennifer Walsh, the photography is really beautiful and in this kind of painting a picture theme that we just spoke about, are you taking those photos or are you accompanied by a photographer? |
Jennifer Walsh | So The Walk with Walsh, I have someone helping me videotape. It's Facebook live. So she's just holding my iPhone to be honest, and that's it. My photography, like my actual pictures around Central Park, those are my photos that you can see up on my Instagram page. So those are actually my own photos, but when I do my Walk with Walsh, it's all on an iPhone, and that's it. We'll see if we get some more cameras. We've got some ideas of what we're gonna build it out to a few more ideas for this. We are gonna start filming again in April when it gets warmer. So we'll see some newness for that. I'm excited about it. |
Jodi Katz | Yeah. We're excited too. Jennifer thank you so much for sharing with us today. You're such an inspiration. |
Jennifer Walsh | Thank you so much for having me. I love your Podcast and keep up all the great work you're doing. |
Announcer | Thanks for listening to Where Brains Meet Beauty with Jodi Katz. Tune in again for more authentic conversations with beauty leaders. |